

A poll resource contains information on a specific request for data. Once a poll is created, it will trigger the creation of one or more tasks in order to complete the request.


name type description
id poll ID Resource identifier.
resource string, always poll Resource type specifier.
organisation organisation ID The organisation associated with this resource.
key key ID The key associated with this resource.
user user ID The user associated with this resource.
source source ID The source the poll is targeting. This can be a child source of the session's source.
session session ID The session the poll is using.
subscription optional subscription ID The associated subscription object ID, if applicable.
tasks_pending list of task IDs The tasks associated with the poll that are awaiting processing.
tasks_processing list of task IDs The tasks associated with the poll that are being processed.
tasks_succeeded list of task IDs The tasks associated with the poll that have succeeded.
tasks_failed list of task IDs The tasks associated with the poll that have failed.
tasks_suspended list of task IDs The tasks associated with the poll that are suspended.
results list object containing result objects List of result objects generated by the poll's tasks.
errors list object containing error objects List of error objects generated by the poll's tasks.
state string One of: pending, processing, completed.
date_created datetime When the resource was created.
date_started optional datetime When processing of the poll began.
date_completed optional datetime When processing of the poll finished.


The most important role of the poll resource is to reflect the progress of its associated tasks and allow the end-user to start fetching results from these as soon as they become available. Therefore, the poll resource exposes task related attributes wherein associated tasks are categorised by their state.


Any results published by tasks running within the poll are surfaced in the poll's results attribute. This allows for consumption of results before the poll has completed.


Any errors raised by tasks running within the poll will appear in the poll's errors attribute.


The state of a poll reflects only whether the poll is awaiting initialisation (pending), is in progress (processing), or all tasks have finished execution (completed).

A poll does not reflect any error states other than through its associated tasks.


The poll payload indicates which types of information, data types, and files it should work to retrieve. The poll payload attribute schema is described below.

name type description
info_types list of info_type objects Specifies which info types should be retrieved. Supports wildcard *.
data_types list of data_type objects Specifies which data types should be retrieved.
files list of file IDs. Specifies which files to retrieve.
filters nested filters object Specifies which filters to apply to retrieved data.
skip_files boolean If set to true the poll will skip looking up and publishing attachments files, which includes any assets from photos or video feeds.

For example, the poll payload to retrieve all types of information on an iCloud account source would be:

  "info_types": ["*"]

To retrieved a variety of messaging data from an iCloud backup or Reincubate Relay source, but only from a certain date:

  "data_types": ["ios_messages.messages", "whatsapp.messages", "viber.messages"],
  "filters": {
    "since": "2019-09-15T22:04:12Z",
    "until": "2021-06-02T12:00:00Z"

To retrieve file data for images referenced in an iCloud Photo Library result:

  "files": ["icpl://xyz123", "icpl://abc321"]

The different attributes can also be used simultaneously:

  "info_types": ["*"],
  "data_types": ["ios_phone.calls"]


Filters allow the client to reduce the amount of data returned to only that which is likely to be of interest. For example, you might filter a poll for SMS data to only the last month of data.

name type description
since optional datetime Filter to only data that was created after this datetime.
until optional datetime Filter to only data that was created before this datetime.
phone_numbers optional array Filter to only data that is related to phone numbers in this list.
exclude_phone_numbers optional array Filter to only data that does not relate to phone numbers in this list.
email_addresses optional array Filter to only data that is related to the email addresses in this list.
exclude_email_addresses optional array Filter to only data that does not relate to the email addresses in this list.

Filters in subscription poll payloads

When using subscriptions to generate regular polls, any filters set in the poll payload will only be used on the initial poll of the subscription. Thereafter, the API will do the following:

  • Any value for until is ignored as to avoid simply re-polling the same interval repeatedly
  • If until was set, the next poll will fetch data from that point in time forward
  • If until was not set, the next poll will fetch data from the time of the initial poll forward (i.e. the API will poll progressively as normal)

Data-level filters

Data-level filters, such as phone_numbers and email_addresses, are helpful to reduce processed data to just the items that are relevant to you. These are include filters that drop any data items that don't match or relate to another item that matches one of the values in the filter's list. Take the payload below, for example:

  "data_types": ["ios_messages.messages"],
  "filters": {
    "phone_numbers": ["0123456789"],
    "email_addresses": ["test@example.com"]

This would return any messages from iOS Messages that relate to a conversation involving either the phone number or email address specified, including any group conversations. It can be helpful to specify multiple values to filter on, as many contacts will have a mix of phone numbers and email-identified accounts, such as Messages' iCloud accounts.

Exclusion-based filters, like exclude_phone_numbers and exclude_email_addresses, do the opposite: removing any data that relates to the values provided. If both inclusion- and exclusion-based filters are provided, and an item relates to both, then the exclusion-based filter wins. For example, a group conversation that contains one contact with an included email address but also another contact with an excluded phone number will get filtered out of the data.

Create POST /polls

Create a poll for data against a specific session.

The source parameter should only be used when targeting a child source of the session's primary source. For example, if retrieving data from a rirelay.source the source parameter should be the ID of that source.

name type description
key optional, key ID Optionally override the key used for this poll. This is useful when letting users trial new functionality.
source optional, source ID Optionally target a child source of the session-linked source.
session session ID The session to be used to authenticate data retrieval.
subscription subscription ID The subscription to use to perform the poll. If this is provided, source and session can be omitted.
payload nested poll payload The poll payload used to specify poll

Using cURL

curl https://ricloud-api.reincubate.com/polls \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "session": "<session ID>",
  "payload": {
    "info_types": ["*"]

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

poll_payload = {
  'info_types': ['*'],

poll = ricloud.Poll.create(
  session='<session ID or ricloud.Session instance>',

Sample response

  "id": "54554389-5f1a-4ccf-9bb8-024a031cf948",
  "resource": "poll",
  "organisation": 1,
  "key": 1,
  "user": 1,
  "source": 1,
  "session": "f5a7a7ef-ff21-47fe-9aa6-7ebd08123623",
  "subscription": null,
  "tasks_pending": [],
  "tasks_processing": [],
  "tasks_succeeded": [],
  "tasks_failed": [],
  "tasks_suspended": [],
  "results": {
      "data": [],
      "has_more": false,
      "total_count": 0,
      "url": "/polls/54554389-5f1a-4ccf-9bb8-024a031cf948/results"
  "errors": {
    "data": [],
      "has_more": false,
      "total_count": 0,
      "url": "/polls/54554389-5f1a-4ccf-9bb8-024a031cf948/errors"
  "state": "pending",
  "date_created": "2020-02-20T11:59:14.694337Z",
  "date_started": null,
  "date_completed": null

Retrieve GET /polls/{poll ID}

Using cURL

curl https://ricloud-api.reincubate.com/polls/<poll ID> \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>'

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

poll = ricloud.Poll.retrieve(<poll ID>)

List GET /polls

name type description
key key ID Filter by associated key. This is the key used by the user at the time.
user user ID Filter by associated user.
source source ID Filter by the target source.
session session ID Filter by the target session.
subscription subscription ID Filter by the associated subscription.
state string Filter by session state.
date_created datetime filter Filter by when the resource was created.
date_started datetime filter Filter by when the poll started.
date_completed datetime filter Filter by when the poll was finished.

Using cURL

curl https://ricloud-api.reincubate.com/polls \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>'

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

polls = ricloud.Poll.list()



  • Add support for excluding data related to specific contact email addresses and phone numbers, via the exclude_phone_numbers and exclude_emails poll payload parameters.


  • Add support for filtering data using contact email addresses and phone numbers via the phone_numbers and emails poll payload parameters.


  • Support for the until filter in poll payloads was added for SMS extraction. This complements the since filter to allow clients to specify an exact datetime range to retrieve data from.


  • The errors attribute was added to the poll object. This is a nested list object containing error objects associated with the poll.


  • Major: The results attribute of the poll object is now a nested list object, rather than a simple list attribute. This makes it possible to paginate results when a poll publishes a large number of results.


  • Adds the subscription attribute to the poll object to indicate whether the poll was triggered by a subscription.


  • The poll object payload attribute can now be composed of multiple operation types. This means a poll can be created with any or all of info-types, data-types and files in the payload.
  • Major The type attribute on the poll object is deprecated in favour of composable poll payloads.

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