

The user resource represents the end-user of the data retrieved from the API. For example, if an app is using the API to let people access iCloud Photo Library photos, the end-user is the user of that app.

It is important to identify end-users consistently to allow for the highest levels of data security and ensure the best user experience.


name type description
id user ID Resource identifier.
resource string, always user Resource type specifier.
organisation organisation ID The organisation the resource belongs to.
key key ID The key the resource is associated with.
identifier string Custom value to help identify the user and avoid duplication. For example, this might be set to be the email address of the end-user.
state string One of: active, deactivated, blocked.
date_created datetime When the resource was created.


The identifier attribute is not used by the API but should serve as a bridge between your implementation and the information stored in the API. The value of this attribute should allow for a straight mapping of a user of your system with a user on the API. This can be a user ID within your system, or the end-user's email address.


the user's standard state.
the owning organisation has disabled this user's access.
an API admin has disabled this user's access.

Create POST /users


name type description
organisation super Lets API admins create users on behalf of other organisations.
key default: the current key Assign a user to a separate key. Perhaps one with fewer permissions, for example.
identifier required, string A piece of information to identify this user against an end-user in your system.

Using cURL

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "identifier": ""

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

user = ricloud.User.create(identifier='')

Retrieve GET /users/{user ID}

Using cURL

curl<user ID> \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>'

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

user = ricloud.User.retrieve(<user ID>)

List GET /users


name type description
key key ID Filter the users by the key they are associated with.
identifier string Filter the users by their identifier.
state string Filter the users by their state.
date_created datetime filter Filter by resource creation date.

Using cURL

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>'

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

users = ricloud.User.list()

Update POST /users/{user ID}


name type description
key key ID Move the user to be associated with a different key. For example, if they update from a trial.
identifier string Update the users identifier.
state string Update the user's state, either to deactivated or back to active.

Using cURL

curl<user ID> \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Token <your key_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "state": "deactivated"

Using ricloud-py

import ricloud

user = ricloud.User.update_with_id(<user ID>, state='deactivated')

# OR

user = ricloud.User.retrieve(<user ID>)


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