iPhone Backup Extractor
release notes

Release notes and changelogs for iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature

  • Feature We've updated the macOS version of iPhone Backup Extractor with the changes to licenses descriptions that we made in

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature 1 improvement

  • Feature We now describe the benefits of licensing differently for Windows users of the app. Not everyone will see this change: if you're not one of them, don't worry about it. It'll appear over time.
  • Improvement We show interactive content in the app using a new component. We think it's better. How are they looking to you?

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 4 improvements 5 fixes

  • Improvement macOS handles iCloud user experience better for users who have forgotten their passwords.
  • Improvement Windows is now even smarter when it comes to searching for backups.
  • Improvement iCloud login can now be cancelled before it completes.
  • Improvement 2FA interface improvements.
  • Fix Fixed an issue where things could hang in unusual cases when removing an iCloud account.
  • Fix macOS download button for iCloud backups is now disabled when it should be.
  • Fix We handle a curious Microsoft error (1316 Specific user already exists), affecting our installer. It's caused by a Windows hotfix which very few people have.
  • Fix Improved how we manage categories for download on iCloud accounts.
  • Fix Preventing the iCloud login popup from popping up when it shouldn't.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 features 3 improvements 11 fixes

  • Feature Hey! Guess who can now extract attachments from Kik, WeChat and Viber? It's you. Us. iPhone Backup Extractor.
  • Feature HTML exports from Kik, WeChat, Viber and Snapchat are now a thing.
  • Feature Support for Notes on iOS 9. Happy day!
  • Improvement Added a right-click menu item in "Export mode" to view Plists
  • Improvement Plist file viewer shows the original file's path.
  • Improvement We've made a few text tweaks in the app.
  • Fix Lots of iCloud account management fixes. Preferences window didn't always acknowledge a newly-added account. iCloud backups are now selected after being downloaded. iCloud accounts weren't always removed after logging out.
  • Fix Clear category selection after switching iCloud backups.
  • Fix Viewing Plists in encrypted backups had been broken, but it's fixed now. Sorry.
  • Fix The "Loading backups" message had an issue, and we resolved it.
  • Fix Some of our analytics tracking wasn't working properly in every case.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue loading some forms of corrupted MBDB files.
  • Fix We've made a few minor improvements to how things work on macOS 10.7.
  • Fix Disabled Kik stickers until it is possible to interpret them.
  • Fix Improvements to how we handle connection of devices over USB on macOS. This is probably not something you'll be seeing, though.
  • Fix Prevented curious Snapchat references to non-existent files causing a manifest issue and crash.
  • Fix Resolved an annoying edge-case when activating or deactivating a license.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 6 improvements 9 fixes

  • Improvement We've made a series of improvements to our undeletion technology across the board. This'll affect messages and notes in particular.
  • Improvement We now show a "loading" message whilst App View is loading.
  • Improvement If no thumbnails are available for SMS previews, we generate them.
  • Improvement We've added icons for available data categories from the icon.
  • Improvement Hi-DPI support on Windows is improved for bonkers edge-case with multiple screens with different DPI settings
  • Improvement A number of cosmetic fixes around the iCloud and Preferences interfaces.
  • Fix We fixed note undeletion for iOS 9.
  • Fix We accidentally broke support for iOS 5 SMS recovery in an earlier build, but now it has been restored.
  • Fix There used to be a crash reading some Plists from Snapchat. We've solved that now.
  • Fix Duplicate recovered deleted SMS messages are no longer shown.
  • Fix Fixed an issue saving out WeChat messages where a user was missing.
  • Fix Resolved a problem whereby the "available data" shown wasn't updated when a backup was modified (and we fixed a rare crash on backup modification.)
  • Fix Better handling of date and timestamps in call history and notes around the world
  • Fix Added more options for recovery of WhatsApp data to the converstion menu,.
  • Fix Fixed play button alignment for WhatsApp video thumbnails.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 4 features

We're really excited to ship more new features today: support for recovery of Snapchat, Kik, Viber and WeChat messages. We'll add support for their attachments in a build to follow.

  • Feature Support for Snapchat message extraction.
  • Feature Support for WeChat message extraction.
  • Feature Support for Viber message extraction.
  • Feature Support for Kik message extraction.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 5 improvements 8 fixes

  • Improvement Support for extraction of WhatsApp group messages has been added.
  • Improvement We've added support for iOS 9 calendar extraction.
  • Improvement WhatsApp message sender names are now shown.
  • Improvement We've also added icons for audio files in all attachment shown in exports. With a "play" button, too.
  • Improvement Message exports are now shown looking more like an iPhone or iPad would show them.
  • Fix We've solved a crash issue when extracting call history from iOS 9 backups.
  • Fix The app prints less console output when run on macOS.
  • Fix We've resolved a crash problem that could happen when a user has no browser configured, but wants to open a linked attachment in a message.
  • Fix We've solved an issue where messages which lacked a body wouldn't be shown properly. We handle missing attachments much more cleanly in reports now, too.
  • Fix iCloud errors weren't being correctly reported. It's easier for us to diagnose problems now.
  • Fix Counts of extracted content wasn't always making sense.
  • Fix Extracted Plist files weren't always being saved in the right place.
  • Fix Contact birthdays weren't always being correctly parsed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 6 improvements 3 fixes

We've included a lot of user interface enhancements in this release.

  • Improvement First-time user experience for adding an iCloud account has been improved.
  • Improvement It's now possible to expand and collapse groups of devices in the left-hand navigation.
  • Improvement The message shown after extracting data is now clearer.
  • Improvement Handfuls of text, capitalisation, font, graphics, Hi-DPI and alignment tweaks.
  • Improvement Preferences now available from the app's menu (and it can no longer be maxmised).
  • Improvement Default device shown if no backups are present is now the latest model of device -- the iPhone 6 -- rather than the old iPad which was shown before.
  • Fix Our iCloud account access tooltip's yellow has been corrected -- and the tooltip is back on Windows. It always was there on Mac.
  • Fix The main window can no longer be made unusably small.
  • Fix Duplicate entries on the file menu have been removed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

We're starting to test a change to how we show our upgrade prompt on Windows. Some of our users will see this updated build, but not all will. Don't worry if you don't see it: it's functionality the same as before, apart from that prompt.

  • Improvement Updated upgrade prompt.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature 1 improvement

Nine days ago we shipped our new interface for Mac users, and now it's arrived for Windows. Hurrah!

  • Feature Brand new interface, better suited for working with multiple backups and iCloud accounts. There's a new left-hand navigation control, and all that other good stuff.
  • Improvement We've included some behind-the-scenes stuff improving how we manage backup data in general.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

This is a Mac-only update for the behind-the-scenes changes we included for Windows in the last release we made (

  • Improvement We've included some behind-the-scenes stuff improving how we manage backup data in general.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 fix

This is a minor update for Mac users.

  • Fix We've disabled the "restore" button in Export Mode. It shouldn't have been there!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature 3 fixes

Today's release is just for Mac users, with a handful of fixes and a handy new feature.

  • Feature iPhone Backup Extractor will now show when your iOS device is connected via a cable or Wi-Fi, and tell you a little about it. It's not just about backups!
  • Fix We've fixed a few issues that users were reporting, with one crash and a bug parsing data.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue where the default backup folder path is actually a file. Who'd have thunk it?
  • Fix We've fixed some issues loading messages and grouping backups.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 4 features

OMG! Today's release is a massive step forward for Mac users. We felt bad about the delay in releasing iCloud functionality on macOS last year, so we've really upped our game on macOS as a consequence. We're really a brand-new, extra-spiffy UI for Mac users today. Windows users might be jealous.

Backup navigation is now on the left-hand side of the app, and there's a new "Preferences" window. Backups can be searched for in multiple locations, and it's possible to add multiple iCloud accounts at a time. It's also possible to securely store your iCloud password in your Mac's keychain.

  • Feature Major interface overhaul for the Mac edition of iPhone Backup Extractor. We've got a new video which shows off some of the changes we've made.
  • Feature Enabled support for multiple iCloud accounts.
  • Feature Enabled support for additional backup search paths.
  • Feature Users can now choose to save their iCloud passwords securely in their Mac's keychain.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

Of all the things, some dodgy antivirus programs didn't like our Windows uninstaller. Why the uninstaller? Who knows. But to address the issue, we've replaced it.

  • Improvement Completely new installer and uninstallation system. Works like the old one, but uses a different framework. If you're interested in the technical details, we now use the MSI format. This can be a little slower, but it's what Microsoft recommend.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 5 fixes

  • Fix We thought we'd nailed it last time, but in this release we've properly fixed timestamps for extracted call logs.
  • Fix Messages between contacts with Unicode (or "special") characters in their names are now properly extracted.
  • Fix Directories with dots in them are now displayed properly in Export Mode.
  • Fix The file count for videos on App View wasn't right. Now it is.
  • Fix We fixed a weird graphical issue where the App View tab's icons were overwriting each other.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement 7 fixes

Today's release sees us sending out a variety of fixes and improvements to iCloud and contacts data -- and more.

  • Improvement We retry failed iCloud downloads more often.
  • Fix We've fixed a potential overflow issue when downloading iCloud backups.
  • Fix We've fixed a potential error when renaming paths.
  • Fix The cancel download button didn't always work if pressed very early on. Now it does. Cancel away.
  • Fix For some odd reason, we'd mixed up videos and recordings in App View. Now they're unmixed. As they should be.
  • Fix We had a sneaky little issue with call history timestamps on iOS 8. It's fixed now.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue with ordering of the country and post/ZIP code in vCard export.
  • Fix We've made a variety of reliability improvements to iCloud downloads.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature

This is a maintenance build that tweaks a few ways we build iPhone Backup Extractor. There's little impact for users, although we've added a feature for Mac users.

  • Feature The path rename window is now available on macOS: this is needed much less often on macOS, but if you run into a path that's too long to extract, it'll let you gracefully rename it.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 fixes

  • Fix We've improved the effectiveness of the iCloud download bar.
  • Fix We now disable the "Download" button if now files or categories are selected for download.
  • Fix Made a few cosmetic improvements to the Mac interface.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 fix

We've learned a whole lot of things since we shipped the new native macOS interface last month, and today we're making a number of internal changes to reflect that. You don't see much difference, although you might take our word for it that things are better. Oh, and we restored compatibility with OS X 10.7.

  • Fix macOS 10.7 compatibility restored.

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