iPhone Backup Extractor
release notes

Release notes and changelogs for iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement 3 fixes

  • Improvement We've reduced the time taken during "contacting servers" when using iCloud.
  • Fix We've improved compatibility of the vCard files that iPhone Backup Extractor generates.
  • Fix A bug has been squashed where SMS message times where shown in GMT for some users when being exported to HTML.
  • Fix We've made a number of minor iCloud improvements.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature

Today's release is a big one for the Mac, as we're using a new native technology for the macOS interface. Everything should look crisper and be more responsive. Happy days.

  • Feature iPhone Backup Extractor's Mac interface is now fully native.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 fix

This a minor update to improve our logging and speed up the process of selecting iCloud backups from the account list.

  • Fix Selection of iCloud backups now has less interface lag.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

Someday -- years in the future -- your grandchildren will ask you what you were doing when iPhone Backup Extractor was released. "Why, young'un", you'll say, "I was on reincubate.com, reading their change-logs, and I was one of the first users to try it out." You'll thank us later.

  • Improvement We've made a handful of iCloud backup download reliability improvements. We really have. Loads of stuff should be better -- and faster.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature 3 improvements 2 fixes

  • Feature Sometimes when extracting files we find that a filename that works on your iPhone is too long to work on your PC. Windows, we're looking at you. We've now got a popup message that'll tell you this, and let you rename the file as a consequence.
  • Improvement Problems with the iCloud download process are now reported more clearly to users.
  • Improvement We now look in more places for WhatsApp data.
  • Improvement We've continued to refactor quite a lot of things behind the scenes.
  • Fix We've put another potential "out of memory" error to bed.
  • Fix We've fixed an error that could pop up when seeing the license notification window for parental restrictions passcode recovery.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature

Today marks another milestone for us: releasing our iCloud functionality for macOS users. Previously, Windows users got all the fun (as it were) back in when we shipped and polished this for them back in August. As of today, both Windows and Mac users are in parity. Other than in exceptional cases, we're aiming to maintain feature parity between both Windows and macOS in future releases. We love them both.

  • Feature iCloud backup is now available for Mac users. Rejoice!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

We're warming up to ship some particularly exciting new stuff in iPhone Backup Extractor, and today's release prepares us better to do that. Let's see what happens!

  • Improvement We've made a behind-the-scenes change to prepare us for trying out some new functionality.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 improvements 5 fixes

  • Improvement Password entry for encrypted backups should be faster.
  • Improvement We've improved the analytical data that our installer collects on its performance.
  • Improvement We've also improved vCard extraction to CSV, cleaning up how we show phone number and address types.
  • Fix Sometimes you'd see the year 1901 in an export of data. We actually meant there's no date available fo r that data. Now we do this properly, by leaving the field empty.
  • Fix We've squashed a Unicode issue with contacts on Windows.
  • Fix Extracted files without extensions no longer end with a . once extracted. Windows hates this.
  • Fix We've fixed a potential race condition whilst recovering a parental restrictions passcode.
  • Fix We now handle when users try to login with dodgy characters in their username, like semicolons.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 fixes

  • Fix Corrupted encrypted backups which are missing their keybags now don't lead to a crash. Instead there's a message explaining what's up.
  • Fix Non-Latin filenames are now normalised into equivalent Latin characters instead of _ symbols when being extracted to non-Unicode filesystems.
  • Fix We've resolved an "out of memory" crash that could occur during an iCloud backup download.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

  • Improvement We've made a minor change to our licensing system in this release.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 fix

This release contains an update for SMS attachment extraction from iOS 8.

  • Fix SMS attachments are all sorted out on iOS 8.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 fixes

Today's release is a minor update to fix two different types of crash that could occur.

  • Fix Fixed a crash that could occur when switching between encrypted backups.
  • Fix Fixed a crash that could be triggered by the app view. Oops.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement 1 fix

As we continue to build on our iCloud access technology, we're making quite a few changes in the application behind the scenes. This release has a lot of those changes. Like polar bears in snowstorms, you might not see them, but they're there.

  • Improvement Piles of changes in the core of the app, enhancing debugging, testing, logging. We've even changed how we use fonts.
  • Fix We've squashed a few other bugs that cropped up with call history handling on iOS 8.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature 1 improvement 2 fixes

Oh my word! It seems we're shipping new features with every release of iPhone Backup Extractor at the moment. What have we got today? Let's see:

  • Feature Support for two-factor authentication when logging into iCloud. Even though Apple aren't really pushing it, we're massive fans of 2FA, and we think you should enable it. Also, we don't think anyone else does this yet. That's pretty neat.
  • Improvement We've reduced the complexity of our code for processing download links, and things should be faster now. Also, we'll tell you what's up in more detail if it goes wrong.
  • Fix We ran into and solved some iOS 8 issues, and have since fixed deleted message recovery and calendar extraction. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  • Fix Some "Pro" users who activated offline would see a "Home" screen when using iCloud. That shouldn't. And it's sorted now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS

This is a minor cleanup build addressing a minor issue in the previous release.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 features 1 improvement 1 fix

It's time for another set of new features for iPhone Backup Extractor. We hope you like them. ❤️

  • Feature Expert mode now lets you easily modify and delete files from a backup.
  • Feature iCloud data can now be downloaded by categories. Messages? Sure!
  • Improvement Lots and lots of internal changes to how we do things.
  • Fix We've fixed a bug with how we handle empty iCloud backup snapshots.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 feature 3 improvements 1 fix

We're releasing a series of updates and improvements to iCloud functionality today. iCloud users within iPhone Backup Extractor should see:

  • Feature Partial downloads can now be resumed. That's neat, isn't it?
  • Improvement Better multithreading of downloads. They'll be faster!
  • Improvement Download progress is now shown more accurately. We're spoiling you today.
  • Improvement We've improved a few parts of our internal analytics system.
  • Fix We've resolved a nasty crash for users running hacked up versions of Windows. We don't know why you hack up your Windows installations, but we've got your backs now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 fixes

Would you believe it, but today we're shipping a fixing an error in our error handling. Before writing this, we all drew straws to see who'd have to write this, the most embarrassing of release notes. It's me. I'm sorry.

  • Fix Fix for iCloud error reporting.
  • Fix We'd slipped up with license definition for our "Home" edition. That's fixed now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 improvement

Today's release includes functionality to help us better track errors as they occur. This helps us help you. Everyone gets helped!

  • Improvement Improved reporting of issues when working with iCloud.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 fixes

iPhone Backup Extractor is a fix roll-up for our iCloud backup access support.

  • Fix Improvements to concurrency of downloads.
  • Fix Resolved issue with incorrect download size check.

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