
Cover image for: 如何安装手机网络摄像头:哪种安装最好

2020 年,当 Camo 首次让专业人士和创作者能够将手机的高级摄像头用作网络摄像头时,手机支架的世界一片黑暗和可怕。在此之前,安装手机通常只在汽车上使用,吸盘、鹅颈、磁性和粘贴式等各种选项实际上只是汽车手机安装解决方案,只是在桌面环境中进行了(拙劣的)转换。



免责声明:本研究是独立进行的。Reincubate 与这些产品均无关联,也不会因提及这些产品而获得报酬。


预算选择: Tarion 平衡臂支架( 28 英镑/ 26 美元

专业选择: Ulanzi 铰接臂支架( 85 英镑/ 80 美元



另一个优点是平衡臂支架相对便宜,可维修型号的价格约为 25 英镑/25 美元。不过,要小心那些超级便宜的选项——根据我的经验,这些选项可能由质量较差的材料制成,容易损坏,或者尺寸太小,不适合许多桌子。我建议您在购买前仔细检查尺寸,务必阅读评论,并从具有良好退货政策的卖家那里购买,以防您对所选择的产品不完全满意。

To protect my desk surface when attaching the clamp, I add one or two adhesive felt floor protectors.

基本的平衡臂支架适用于手机和相对紧凑的桌面区域,但如果您认为需要安装更重的东西,或者需要更大的伸展空间,您可以考虑使用更坚固的铰接臂系统。这些支架通常具有坚固的安装杆,可以为手机、视频灯、麦克风等任何设备提供牢固的支撑,并且臂长足够长,可以延伸到很大的空间。它们也可以扩展 - Ulanzi 的底座可以容纳额外的臂,顶部有一个连接点,用于安装视频灯。我的 Camo 同事 Eden 每天都会使用这种型号来放置她的手机或无反光镜相机,无论是开会还是创作内容,她都非常喜欢它。


预算选择: Etubby 手机支架29 英镑/ 25 美元

专业选择: Elgato Mini Mount50 英镑/ 50 美元


与浮动臂支架一样,支架的价格和多功能性也有很大差异。Etubby 支架等基本款价格相当实惠,但无法承载比手机更重的物体。另一方面,我个人最喜欢的是 Elgato Mini Mount。它的价格是普通支架的两倍,但由于其结构坚固,它可以承载我扔给它的任何东西 - 从手机到 APS-C 相机,再到带定焦镜头的全传感器专业相机。如果您在视频中使用多台不同的相机,或者正在考虑不久后可能会使用,那么这款支架将支持所有相机。




见识一下魔术臂。几十年来,这种实用的工具( 20 英镑/ 24 美元)一直是专业摄影机装备的中流砥柱,但它的体积更小,却能为您的桌面视频设置带来惊人的效果。当我将 9.8 英寸 SmallRig 臂放在我的 Mini Mount 上时,我能够将浮动臂的可定位性与支架的便携性和不显眼性结合起来。我只需将支架放在显示器或笔记本电脑后面,调整魔术臂,让手机挂在屏幕前面我想要的准确位置,然后开始工作。





第二种选择是将便宜的弹簧爪升级为更坚固的,例如 Ulanzi ST-27( 36 英镑/ 30 美元)。ST-27 当然不便宜,但插入手机的过程更顺畅,即使手机壳最厚,我也只需快速转动手腕即可轻松改变其方向。不知为何,它有橡胶齿,但没有软垫背面,所以为了保护我的手机,我贴上了一小块粘性矩形毡垫。

最后一种选择只为那些使用具有 MagSafe 功能的 iPhone 的用户保留。除了爪式支架,您还可以选择更简单、低调的安装盘,例如 Neewer 的这款( 21 英镑/ 20 美元)。只需将其拧到臂或支架的球头上(或魔术臂的末端),您就可以将手机卡入到位,无需费力。对于 Android 用户,像这样的圆盘通常还带有一个小粘合环,据说可以使任何手机兼容 MagSafe,但一般来说,我不建议将东西直接粘在手机上,除非您不介意一些外观损坏。

不过,即使对于 iPhone 用户,我对 MagSafe 安装盘的推荐也带有保留。每当我通过这个 MagSafe 选项安装 iPhone 时,我都会想我是否应该同时给它充电,这样我就可以开会或处理视频而不必担心电池寿命。但遗憾的是,除了Etsy 上的一些临时 3D 打印支架外,似乎还没有一种简单的 MagSafe 配件可以将你的 iPhone 固定在眼睛水平,同时为它充电。



仅限于配备 MagSafe 的 iPhone,有 Belkin 的 MagSafe 支架( 29 英镑/ 28 美元)等紧凑型号,几年前与 macOS Ventura 的 Continuity Camera 功能一起推出。虽然关于Continuity 与 Camo 相比的对比当然有很多可说之处,但我很高兴地说,无论您使用什么视频软件,Belkin 支架和其他类似支架都可以使用。

将手机安装到支架上后,您可以轻松地将其放置在屏幕上方。对于大多数用户来说,这意味着您的视频将从远低于视线的高度拍摄,因此我建议将笔记本电脑放在一些书本或其他小型临时高台上。这样做也是为了实用性——抬起笔记本电脑将使其屏幕尽可能接近垂直,我发现在使用此类支架时这一点非常重要。正如您将像 iPhone 这样坚固的东西挂在 MacBook 屏幕的顶部或侧面时所预料的那样,随着屏幕偏离垂直方向,重心会发生相当大的变化。

对于 Android 用户,我用过的最佳紧凑型选择是信用卡大小的可折叠支架,例如Tagplus的这款。当你不需要它时,它可以和你的其他卡包一起放在钱包里。然后当需要拍摄视频时,你只需将其取出,将其较大的臂向外折叠以握住手机,将其较小的臂向内折叠以抓住笔记本电脑屏幕的顶部。它不是最坚固的技术产品,但经过一年半的随意使用,我还没有看到它出现任何磨损的迹象。不过,最后要注意的一点是 - 对于此支架以及任何其他直接安装在笔记本电脑屏幕上的支架 - 在安装其中一个支架时在笔记本电脑键盘上打字可能会导致一些相机抖动。出于这个原因,也因为它们需要额外步骤将笔记本电脑抬起以获得良好的角度,我建议仅在绝对必要的情况下使用超紧凑型支架。

安装 DIY






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评论 (19)

SmallRig also makes a variety of mounts and cages that can work if you are using a spare phone and want something more permanent. Their magic arm combined with any number of other desk, ceiling, tripod mounts can be perfect for any situation.

I found my old Samsung NOTE and S20 Ultra make amazing cameras - even with cracked screens :-)

One note for me, I found that some tables/mounts are prone to shock and can make the camera bounce... just something to be aware of.

Thank you Dean! We put a stabilization mode into Camo (it's under the "framing" options) to deal with issues we saw in wobbly tables and standing desks.

The two best mounts I've found (for me) are from Doolkin on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WTD517N/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A303MVJ19XSJH1&th=1


The first has a great feature in you can remove the arm and buy another magnet and use it on multiple devices. The one issues is that you may not get as much adjustment on the angle so make sure you mount it after testing the angle.

The second one has a mount that allows you to swivel it all the way around which means I can use either the selfie camera or the back cameras! But, it is a sticker mount and isn't removable to move to another device. That may not be a big deal but I've messaged the manufacturer and asked them to combine the two. That with Camo Studio would be AMAZING.

Its not an amazon find, and its often out of stock - but for 24.99 canadian this mount/ring light combo from Ikea is pretty solid - ive been using it for a while, and the ring and arm use 1/4" - 20 threads, so in theory you could use them with a ton of photography clamps etc.



Just as this article does, I was also looking to find the "best" way to mount a phone on a laptop or monitor. I guess the difference is that I was not willing to buy and try all the mounts available out there :). Nonetheless, thanks for the great, in-depth review.

All that said, I thought I would develop one myself, starting with a few requirements. It has to work in any setting: primarily on laptops and monitors but also on standup tables and workbenches, in the car, on a server rack, on a wall and other furniture. It must be usable with any type of phone, whether in a case or without one. It must have exactly zero tightening knobs or levers. It must be cool - for some reason (I am guessing the reason is cost) all mounts I've seen are monochromatic or in a gray scale at best. Anyone with enough patience and some minimum engineering skills :) should be able to make one at home using common materials. The design must be easy to update and the changes easily implemented.

The result is a 3D-printed phone mounting system. If you're curious to see, I placed some pictures on my web site: https://rail-mounted.com/.

There's a contact page on that site if you want to let me know your thoughts.

Thanks, gabriel

Great article and a lot of helpful suggestions, just none of them worked for me.

I ended up using some velcro locking strips I had around the house.

I was able to cut a strip in half and mount my iPhone SE (1st gen) on top of my monitor. This is a clean look and no wobble. Also, low cost.

Thank you so much for this article. Buying anything is such a hassle for me, and this is exactly the sort of homework I do before getting anything. Appreciate it!

An expensive alternative but one worth considering if you want to add a mic and you are using an M1 based Apple computer is the Sennheiser MKE 200 Mobile Kit

Another vote for Mountie. Been using for over a year with my iPhone 11 then 12 and never had any issue with it pulling my Macbook screen down. I usually mount it to the top so that the camera is directly above the Facetime camera. Fantastic.

This is seriously one of the most thoughtful articles I have seen any brand/company post. This is exactly what I was looking for. Having just paid for lifetime premium, I was looking for a more permanent solution to attach a spare phone to my LG 5k display. I ended up choosing the FLOVEME Sticker mount, as it was perfect for my use case.

In general, I am blown away at the attention to detail and app quality, both on iOS and MacOS, with Camo. I am excited for more amazing development from this team on this product. I hope more and more people support your team. Great work

Hi - have you checked out the Mountie or Mountie+ by Ten One Design?

I've had my eye on them for a while now, and having just signed up for Camo today also treated myself to a Mountie. Will let you know how well it works once it arrives in a few weeks.

Thank you, please do! We're wary of devices like Mountie that clip to the screen. As we noted in the article, these pulled our laptop screen down or pulled the laptop over, and they put the device to one side of the screen, rather than just above the eyeline. That said, if you have one of the smaller phones and one of the larger laptops, it'd probably be fine. Just don't damage that screen!!!

I've been using a selfie-stick velcro-strapped to my monitor stand (LG 5K) It's a little wobbly when adjusting, but it's height-adjustable and I can flip the phone around easily.

I don't usually comment on articles, but this one was so well written and really helped me, thank you so much!

Hey cool -- I was messing around with my own setup for videos/blogging and was thinking there has to be other ways to use my old iPhone as a webcam.

Currently using a desk mount - but intrigued by what you put on the monitor mounts and mechanical arms.


Hey, our pleasure. 👍

Really helpful article. Thank you so much!

Thank you! 👍

This article rules -- super great stuff!

Thank you! 🙂

Brilliant article - put me, I hope, on the right track!

An incredibly well-researched and resourceful article. Thank you for saving us hours of time from being drowned in endless “recommendations” and marketing websites

Great article, but an important note about your TL;DR recommended flex arm. The clip that hold your phone is pretty shallow and if you have a case of any substance at all on your phone, you'll struggle to keep it in there. Mine is relatively minimal, but thick enough that if I jiggle my desk a bit, my phone will sometimes come shooting out of it. Taking my case on and off negates a lot of the convenience of the spring-loaded clip in the first place.

Studio Neat's Glif is a bit pricey, but impossible to beat for quality and function and works with any case you could imagine: https://www.studioneat.com/products/glif

I took apart a $5 gooseneck lamp and glued a 1/4" tripod thread to make a Gif-based mount I'm pretty pleased with overall. FWIW.

Thank you! Great tip. 🙂

Another webcam mount: https://www.amazon.com/AboveTEK-Aluminum-Folding-Display-Reception/dp/B074PFVVBH

Thank you!

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