

尼尔·托马斯(Neil Thomas)编写的iDo记事本(日记/日记)是一款简单易用的记事本应用程序,专门为iPad和iPhone / iPod Touch编写。

如果在升级到iOS 11或更高版本后,您无法访问iDo记事本或从iDo记事本中删除数据,请单击下面的Contact Support ,与我们的支持团队Contact Support 。只要您的备份中仍然存在数据,我们就能通过iPhone Backup Extractor协助您恢复此数据。


如果您没有iTunes备份,但iPhone上仍然有iDo记事本数据,则可以立即使用iPhone Backup Extractor或iTunes创建一个。


  • 启动iPhone Backup Extractor,然后从左侧导航中选择备份。转到“应用程序视图”选项卡,然后从应用程序列表中选择iDo Notepad应用程序。

  • 要从此应用程序中提取数据,您必须提取数据库文件。为此,请单击“所有数据库”旁边的“提取链接”。提取的文件名为iDo.sqlite ,您可以使用免费的SQLite工具打开它。

  • Open the iDo.sqlite file with DB Browser, then go to the “Browse Data” tab and look at the table called ZDIARY. Here you should find all the texts you have saved in your journal. You can also extract this table into a CSV file by using the File menuExportTable(s) as CSV file…

  • An alternative way to extract the iDo Notepad data with the timestamp converted to local time format is using the Execute SQL tab in DB Browser and running this command: SELECT Z_PK, datetime(ZCALENDARDATE, 'unixepoch', '31 years', 'localtime') AS NoteDate, ZEVENTNAME, ZMESSAGE, datetime(ZTIMESTAMP, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS NoteTimestamp FROM ZIDIARY



我们的办公时间是格林威治标准时间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点。 时间目前是 2:22 AM的 GMT。



评论 (2)

Wow!!!! I am soooooo grateful for this article!! I was freaking out because I thought I had lost 7 years of notebooks - the app keeps crashing on my ipad pro now! Thank you so much for saving my work!!!!

Thank you for the article! It was a lifesaver! I used that App a lot and I was able to recover my notebooks! Have a great day!!

Thanks Pam!


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