Identificadores de GSMA


Identidad Internacional de Equipos Móviles (IMEIs)

La identidad de equipo móvil internacional (IMEI) se utiliza para identificar dispositivos específicos conectados a redes. Debido a que puede identificar un dispositivo de forma exclusiva, a menudo se utiliza para fines de seguimiento o seguimiento de listas negras. Wikipedia publica un buen resumen .

$ python -m deviceidentifier.cli.gsma_imei 013554006297015
    "id": "013554006297015",
    "anonymised": "01355400••••••5",
    "checksum": "5",
    "gsmaTac": {
        "id": "01355400",
        "manufacturer": "Apple",
        "appleIdentifier": {
            "id": "iPhone5,2",
            "image": {
                "height": 330,
                "url": "",
                "width": 450
            "product": {
                "line": "iPhone",
                "sku": "iPhone 5"
            "specs_page": "",
            "value": {
                "official_tradein": {
                    "link": "",
                    "value": "$25.00"
            "variant": "CDMA + LTE"
        "appleModel": null,
        "appleInternalNameClass": {
            "id": "N42"
        "product": {
            "line": "iPhone",
            "sku": "iPhone 5"
    "gsx": {
        "appleSerial": {
            "anonymised": "F2TK4•••DTWF",
            "configurationCode": {
                "code": "DTWF",
                "image": {
                    "height": 120,
                    "url": "",
                    "width": 120
                "appleInternalNameClass": {
                    "id": "N42"
                "skuHint": "iPhone 5 (GSM, CDMA)"
            "coverageUrl": "",
            "id": "F2TK4TZ7DTWF",
            "manufacturing": {
                "city": "Zhengzhou",
                "company": "Foxconn",
                "country": "China",
                "date": "2013-01-22",
                "flag": "🇨🇳",
                "id": "F2T"
            "serialType": "2010",
            "uniqueId": {
                "productionNo": 32341,
                "value": "TZ7"
        "sale": {
            "estimatedPurchaseDate": "2013-04-10",
            "initialCarrier": "Sweden Tele2.",
            "realPurchaseDate": "2013-04-10",
            "saleRegion": "Sweden",
            "saleRegionFlag": "🇸🇪",
            "seller": "TELE2 SVERIGE AB"
        "skuHint": "IPHONE 5",
        "specifications": [
        "status": {
            "appleId": null,
            "coverage": "Out Of Warranty (No Coverage)",
            "sim": "Locked"
    "reportingBodyIdentifier": {
        "code": "01",
        "flags": "🇺🇸",
        "group": "PTCRB",
        "origin": "United States"
    "serial": "629701",
    "svn": null,
    "type": "IMEI"

Códigos de asignación de tipo (TAC)

Los números TAC se pueden usar para identificar el tipo de dispositivo conectado a una red móvil.

$ python -m deviceidentifier.cli.gsma_tac 01355400
    "id": "01355400",
    "manufacturer": "Apple",
    "appleIdentifier": {
        "id": "iPhone5,2",
        "image": {
            "height": 330,
            "url": "",
            "width": 450
        "product": {
            "line": "iPhone",
            "sku": "iPhone 5"
        "specs_page": "",
        "value": {
            "official_tradein": {
                "link": "",
                "value": "$25.00"
        "variant": "CDMA + LTE"
    "appleInternalNameClass": {
        "id": "N42"
    "appleModel": null,


Los ICCID se utilizan para identificar las tarjetas SIM. La norma completa se publica en el sitio de la GSMA .

$ python -m deviceidentifier.cli.gsma_iccid 8965880812100011146
    "anonymised": "896588••••••••••••6",
    "checksum": "6",
    "issuer": {
        "code": "88",
        "country": {
            "code": "65",
            "flag": "🇸🇬",
            "name": "Singapore"
        "name": null
    "majorIndustry": {
        "code": "89",
        "industry": "Telecommunications administrations and private operating agencies",
        "type": "Healthcare, telecommunications and other future industry assignments"
    "account": {
        "code": "081210001114",
        "month": "08",
        "simNumber": "001114",
        "switch": "10",
        "year": "12"

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