

International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEIs)

Die International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) wird verwendet, um bestimmte Geräte zu identifizieren, die mit Netzwerken verbunden sind. Da ein Gerät eindeutig identifiziert werden kann, wird es häufig zu Zwecken der Sperrung oder Verfolgung verwendet. Wikipedia veröffentlicht eine gute Zusammenfassung .

$ python -m deviceidentifier.cli.gsma_imei 013554006297015
    "id": "013554006297015",
    "anonymised": "01355400••••••5",
    "checksum": "5",
    "gsmaTac": {
        "id": "01355400",
        "manufacturer": "Apple",
        "appleIdentifier": {
            "id": "iPhone5,2",
            "image": {
                "height": 330,
                "url": "",
                "width": 450
            "product": {
                "line": "iPhone",
                "sku": "iPhone 5"
            "specs_page": "",
            "value": {
                "official_tradein": {
                    "link": "",
                    "value": "$25.00"
            "variant": "CDMA + LTE"
        "appleModel": null,
        "appleInternalNameClass": {
            "id": "N42"
        "product": {
            "line": "iPhone",
            "sku": "iPhone 5"
    "gsx": {
        "appleSerial": {
            "anonymised": "F2TK4•••DTWF",
            "configurationCode": {
                "code": "DTWF",
                "image": {
                    "height": 120,
                    "url": "",
                    "width": 120
                "appleInternalNameClass": {
                    "id": "N42"
                "skuHint": "iPhone 5 (GSM, CDMA)"
            "coverageUrl": "",
            "id": "F2TK4TZ7DTWF",
            "manufacturing": {
                "city": "Zhengzhou",
                "company": "Foxconn",
                "country": "China",
                "date": "2013-01-22",
                "flag": "🇨🇳",
                "id": "F2T"
            "serialType": "2010",
            "uniqueId": {
                "productionNo": 32341,
                "value": "TZ7"
        "sale": {
            "estimatedPurchaseDate": "2013-04-10",
            "initialCarrier": "Sweden Tele2.",
            "realPurchaseDate": "2013-04-10",
            "saleRegion": "Sweden",
            "saleRegionFlag": "🇸🇪",
            "seller": "TELE2 SVERIGE AB"
        "skuHint": "IPHONE 5",
        "specifications": [
        "status": {
            "appleId": null,
            "coverage": "Out Of Warranty (No Coverage)",
            "sim": "Locked"
    "reportingBodyIdentifier": {
        "code": "01",
        "flags": "🇺🇸",
        "group": "PTCRB",
        "origin": "United States"
    "serial": "629701",
    "svn": null,
    "type": "IMEI"

Typenzuweisungscodes (TACs)

TAC-Nummern können verwendet werden, um den Typ des mit einem Mobilfunknetz verbundenen Geräts zu identifizieren.

$ python -m deviceidentifier.cli.gsma_tac 01355400
    "id": "01355400",
    "manufacturer": "Apple",
    "appleIdentifier": {
        "id": "iPhone5,2",
        "image": {
            "height": 330,
            "url": "",
            "width": 450
        "product": {
            "line": "iPhone",
            "sku": "iPhone 5"
        "specs_page": "",
        "value": {
            "official_tradein": {
                "link": "",
                "value": "$25.00"
        "variant": "CDMA + LTE"
    "appleInternalNameClass": {
        "id": "N42"
    "appleModel": null,


ICCIDs werden zur Identifizierung von SIM-Karten verwendet. Der vollständige Standard ist auf der Website der GSMA veröffentlicht .

$ python -m deviceidentifier.cli.gsma_iccid 8965880812100011146
    "anonymised": "896588••••••••••••6",
    "checksum": "6",
    "issuer": {
        "code": "88",
        "country": {
            "code": "65",
            "flag": "🇸🇬",
            "name": "Singapore"
        "name": null
    "majorIndustry": {
        "code": "89",
        "industry": "Telecommunications administrations and private operating agencies",
        "type": "Healthcare, telecommunications and other future industry assignments"
    "account": {
        "code": "081210001114",
        "month": "08",
        "simNumber": "001114",
        "switch": "10",
        "year": "12"

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