¿Qué causa el "Apple ID se ha bloqueado por razones de seguridad"?

Cover image for: ¿Qué causa el "Apple ID se ha bloqueado por razones de seguridad"?

Apple bloquea automáticamente las cuentas de iCloud y las ID de Apple que cree que están en riesgo de acceso no autorizado, y este bloqueo se activa en parte por lo que percibe que puede ser una actividad inusual del usuario. Apple aumentó el bloqueo de las ID de Apple en marzo de 2017 después de que se hicieran una serie de amenazas contra la seguridad de iCloud de Apple.

Hay una serie de factores que pueden contribuir a que Apple ID o las cuentas de iCloud se bloqueen. En particular, el uso de una variedad de herramientas diferentes para acceder a los datos de iCloud en la misma cuenta en un corto período de tiempo a menudo puede llevar a esto. El uso de herramientas de terceros basadas en código de iCloud de código abierto generalmente hace que las cuentas se bloqueen. El código abierto del que se derivan se usa principalmente para la invasión de la privacidad, y Apple, con razón, ha estado trabajando duro para evitar su uso.

Si su ID de Apple ha sido bloqueada, puede ser útil revisar nuestra guía sobre cómo asegurar su ID de Apple y su cuenta de iCloud .

La tecnología de Reincubate no dispara rutinariamente los bloqueos de cuentas de iCloud. Supervisamos activamente la cuenta de iCloud y el acceso de copia de seguridad con chequeos automáticos y manuales, y Reincubate iPhone Backup Extractor y nuestra API utilizan varias técnicas sensibles y sensibles para evitar causar un problema con la seguridad de la cuenta de iCloud. En particular, cada solicitud hecha a través de nuestra tecnología a Apple se identifica de forma única como originada en nuestros servicios, y no disfrazamos el tráfico de nuestros servicios a Apple.

La ventana de inicio de sesión de iCloud de iPhone Backup Extractor muestra el estado más reciente del servicio, al igual que la página de compatibilidad de iPhone Backup Extractor . Como siempre, comuníquese con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.

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Comentarios (5)

My account was locked because I mistakenly put a wrong password, now I have done all the requirement to unlock it, they said it will take them 4days to unlock my account, today is the forth day, but my account is still not unlocked

Oh no! Have you got back in touch with them? Why did you have to ask them to do the reset — did you lose access to the underlying phone number or email address? Users can normally do the recovery themselves.

We lost my son last summer. He left behind his iPhone and my daughter needed a phone. We were able to remove what was on the phone, but we don't know his apple passcode information and would like to remove his account and add one for her. The people at the apple store say their policy prevents them from helping us. Is there anything we can do?

We're very sorry to read this. Apple have a process they can follow at the Apple Store if presented with the device, the purchase receipt, the death certificate, a certified copy of the will, and a photo ID. We've heard from customers before who have run into problems where the certificate and purchase receipt were from different countries, but persistence at the store has paid off.

Just received email stating it’s locked for security reason had web address to unlock Must unlock in 24 hours. Why do I have to fill all information including sss number and charge card to unlock

Hi Patt: it's a fraudulent email you've received. It's safe to delete. You never need to provide this information.

Got the same message, "Apple ID has been locked for security reasons". When they prompted me for name, address, etc., I could understand, but social security number? I deleted the email. There was semuanykpmret.com at the top of the email, if that means anything.

Good spot! We're glad you didn't fall for it. Stay safe. 👊

Hi - I received the email below? What exactly does it mean and what shoukd I do?

Thanks, Jan

Dear jwashburn one,

Your Apple ID (jwashburn_one@sbcglobal.net) has been locked for security reasons.

Time and date: February 03, 2019, 09:45 PM UTC 

Someone just tried to long into your Apple account from a different IP address. Important to verify your identity today or your account will be disabled because of the conception we have for the safety and integrity of the Apple-Community.

Click here to verify your identity, we recommend that you go to Verify now.


TM and Copyright © 2019 Apple Inc. Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland.
All rights reserved / Keep Informed / Privacy Policy / Apple ID

Hi Jan, this is a phishing email. It's a fake design to try to trick you into entering your password into a site where it can be stolen. We see similar emails in our spam every now and then.

It's not from Apple. How to tell? Strange phrases like "Apple-Community" and requests like "Click here to verify your identity". Also, the sender or reply-to addresses on the email might look like they're from apple.com, but they'll be subtly different.

It's best to delete these. Here's Apple's official guidance.

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