如何从iPhone恢复St @ sh数据


如果您在升级到iOS 11后发现自己在St @ sh应用程序中丢失了数据,则可以使用iPhone Backup Extractor恢复数据。

First, you will need an iTunes or iCloud backup created when the St@sh app was still present on your iPhone or iPad. If you don't have yet a backup and you still have the St@sh app installed on your iPhone or iPad, you can create a new backup using iPhone Backup Extractor.

接下来,下载并安装免费版iPhone Backup Extractor 。它将自动检测您的iTunes备份,您将在左侧屏幕上看到它,如下面的示例所示:

Select your backup, then go to the App View tab and look for the St@sh app. Select the St@sh app and click on the Extract link from the right side screen, placed next to All files, and chose a location on your computer to export the extracted files to.

If your St@sh app data is only stored on your iCloud backup and creating a new iTunes backup is not a suitable option, you will have to sign in to your iCloud account in iPhone Backup Extractor.


选择此备份并按照上面的相同步骤,从App View选项卡中提取St @ sh数据。

而已!如果您遇到困难或遇到任何问题,请联系iPhone Backup Extractor支持团队。



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