Come ripristinare un backup iOS su una versione precedente di iOS

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Se ti trovi nella necessità di ripristinare un backup da un dispositivo con una versione più recente di iOS rispetto al dispositivo di destinazione, devi essere consapevole che il ripristino di un backup più recente su un dispositivo iOS declassato non è possibile senza alcune modifiche. Se ci provi senza, vedrai questo messaggio:

iTunes non ha potuto ripristinare l'iPhone "Renate's iPhone" perché il backup era corrotto o non compatibile con l'iPhone che viene ripristinato.

Trying to restore an iOS beta backup to an older version of iOS
Tentativo di ripristinare un backup beta iOS su una versione precedente di iOS

Quali sono le tue opzioni, quindi? Bene, ce ne sono due:

  1. Patch il backup per renderlo compatibile con il precedente iOS, o

  2. Estrai i dati necessari dal backup di iTunes o iCloud e importali

Descriviamo come la prima tecnica di seguito e la nostra guida sul recupero del backup copre la seconda tecnica.

Come eseguire il patch downgrade di una versione di backup iOS

L'applicazione di patch per un backup per un downgrade di iOS è piuttosto semplice, sebbene non sia possibile spostarsi tra qualsiasi versione. Abbiamo evidenziato i downgrade di versione che abbiamo testato e sappiamo che stanno funzionando di seguito.

Passo 1. Prendi una copia del tuo backup iOS prima di modificarlo.

Passo 2. Apri il file Info.plist nella cartella principale del tuo backup.

Puoi aprire questo file con qualsiasi semplice editor di testo.

Passaggio 3. Cerca la Product Version e troverai una sezione simile al testo qui sotto.

<key>Product Type</key>
<key>Product Version</key>
<key>Serial Number</key>

Passaggio 4. Modificare il valore della Product Version del Product Version e salvare il file.

Ad esempio, da 12.1.3 a 12.1 o 12.0 e salvare il file.

Da quali versioni di backup è possibile effettuare il downgrade?

È possibile che altri downgrade di versione funzionino, ma questi sono quelli che abbiamo testato e confermato funzionanti. Questa tecnica si basa sul fatto che tra alcune versioni è leggermente diverso il formato di archiviazione sottostante. Se hai successo con altre versioni, ti preghiamo di far sapere ai nostri lettori nei commenti qui sotto.

versione iOS Downgrade di backup confermato per
18 beta 2 17.5.1
16.2 16.1.2
14 beta 12.4.6
13.6 13.5.1 , 13.5 , 12.4.8
13.5.1 13.5 , 12.4.6
13.5 12.4.71
13.4.1 12.4.7
13.4 13.3.1 , 12.4.7
13.3.1 13.3
13.3 13.2.3 , 12.4.4 , 12.3.3
13.2 12.3.4
13.1.3 12.3.3
12.3.2 12.3.1
12.1.3 12.1.2
12.1.3 12.1 , 12.0
12.0 11.4
9.0 beta 8.4
8.0.1 8.0
8.0 beta 7
7.0 6.1.4 , 6.1.3

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Commenti (45)

As for Oct 22 It works for iOS 17.03 > 17.0.2 on a iPhone XS Max however you need to change the Product Version value as well on the Manifest.plist file located in the root folder of your backup.

Excellent, thanks very much! Went from iPad mini5 16.5.1 to iPad mini4 15.7.6

iPhone 8 (16.5.1) can restore backup on iPhone 7 Plus (15.7.7).

LFG. Your the man Restored 16.1.2 to 15.7.7 & worked great

Successful from: 16.3.1 (iPhone X) to 15.7.3 (iPhone 7 Plus). Thanks so much.

iPhone 8 (16.2) -> iPhone 7 Plus (15.7.3) = success

It worked to change IOS 12.5.5 to 12.2, though there was a slight glitch. After the backup was completed from my 5s with the 12.5.5 to my erased 6s with the 12.2, iTunes SAID it could not sync to the new phone. But when I checked the 6s phone it was fine! Everything's there, far as I can tell. Great article, really helpful! Awesome solution, thanks!

10.3.4 (5) to 10.3.3 (5C) also works :)

Thanks a lot for this great article.

It worked for me from iPhone 7 with IOS "13.4.1" to iPhone 6 with IOS "12.05.04"

Works for iOS 15.0 > 14.6! This article saved me so much pain thank you Aidan

13.7 to 13.6 works fine!

Thanks a lot!

Thanks!! Worked for 14.4.1 on SE to 12.5.1 on 6

It was a backup from an iPhone SE 14.4.1 to an iPhone 5s 12.5.1

Thank you so much for this. I'd like to say it worked like a charm, but it did not at first :D

After several tries, the very thoughtful message from itunes that it did not work because it does not work and a little mental breakdown I did get it done!

Maybe helpful for some and quite logical for everyone else:

It worked nearly perfectly after I set back the 5s to factory settings and put in the SIM card before trying to do the backup again. And voila it worked.

Some stuff is missing but I'll figure that out! Thank you so much for this very helpful article! I hope Karma is good to you in return!!!

The backup worked from an iPhone SE first generation (iOs 13.5.1) to an old iPhone 6 (iOs 12.5.1). The only issue was with three newer apps that are not supported with the previous iOs and were not installed.

Thank You!

iPhone 6s iOS 11.3 restored from a iPhone 6s i0S 11.4.1 backup

13.6.1 to 12.2 worked

Great job

worked for me 6s 14.2 to 6 12.5.1

That's great! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much! iPhone 6s 14.2 128GB to iPhone 12.4.9 64GB worked flawlessly.

Worked from 14.2 xs max to 12.5 iphone 6

Thank you so much it was a time saver!!!!

Problem: New iPhone12 with 14.3, second hand old iPad with 12.5. Data transfer with iCloud refused because of IOS incompatibilty. So a try with iTunes. Same thing. Then I applied your suggested patch. Excellent. Thank you. You are THE expert!

Thank you — glad it helped! 🙂

from 6s 14.1 to 6Plus 12.4.9



Worked on with iphone SE (first gen) 14.2 --> iphone SE (first gen) 13.6, except for sms/imessages. Those were subsequently recovered by turning on icloud on both devices, turning sync messages to on, and giving the devices time to sync/download the messages (this takes several hours).

Thank you!!

Successful from : 13.5.1 (iPhone X) to 12.4.6 (iPhone 6) Thanks a lot

Restoring from iPhone 7 iOS 13.6 to iPhone 5S iOS 12.4.8 worked fine!

worked for me iPhone XR 14.0 beta 2 > 13.5.1

IPhone 13.6 > 13.5.1 sucessfull !!


thanks for this write up, worked on iPhone SE 13.4.1 to iPhone 6 12.4.7.

You're a life saver! Worked from 7+ iOS 13.3 backup to iOS 13.2.3 iPhone 11 Pro Max

Working 13.5.1 to 13.5 on iPhone 11 Pro Max


Thank you so much! Worked for an old iPhone 5, restoring from an iPhone SE, 13.4 to 12.4.7

I KNEW it. There had to be a way. THANK YOU, thank you THANK YOU.

Don't know how I stumbled on to this page, but grateful beyond words, that I did. Used option #1 Worked like a champ. iphone 5se destroyed. Picked up a 5s for next to nothing. OS on the 5se was 13.5 The 5s only goes up to 12.4.7 I Tunes or I Cloud wouldn't restore the backup. Called Apple support, and they didn't have a clue. Thanks again. Really worked.

I'm trying to restore my backup from iphone 7plus(iOS 13.3.1) to iPhone 8(iOS 13.4.1). I was getting the error message while progressing the restoring process. The message is 'iTunes could not restore the iPhone "iPhone" because the backup was corrupt.'

I changed the Product Version in the Info.plist file in the root folder to 13.4.1 from 13.3.1. But still the same error popping up!

Please help me to get my backup :(

Hi Sreekanth. Changing the version like this won't help if the backup is corrupt. We've got a guide for fixing corrupt backups here. If you get stuck, drop us a note!

It work for me too. Thanks a lot. 13.4.1 (iphone 7 plus) to 12.4.6 (iphone 6)

Thank you so much! It worked from 13.3 (iphone 7) to 12.4.6 (iphone 6) :) it just saved me from a loooot of trouble :)

Great article.

worked from iphone 7 (13.4) to iphone 6 (12.4.6)

It is working for IOS 13.4 to 13.3.1


how about 13.3 to 13.3.1?

That'll work fine. 🙂


Worked for iPhone 5s with iOS 10.3.3 importing backup from iPhone X with iOS 13.1.4. Thanks!

can I restore my 13.3.1 to 13.3?

Yes, that should be no problem.

Great Article! I was able to use a 13.3 ios BackUp on a 12.4.4 ios on iPhone 6!


Worked for iPhone 6 with iOS 12.4.4 importing backup from iPhone 7 with iOS 13.3. Thanks!

iPhone 8 13.3 > iPhone 6 12.4.4 = fail iPhone 8 13.3 > iPhone 6 12.3.3 = success!

I succesfully downgraded from an iPhone 6s on 13.2 to an iPhone 6 on 12.3.4 ! Thank you for your precious information !

Awesome! Thanks for commenting.

Just did a restore from 13.1.3 ver on 12.3.3 Thanks for info

Thanks for letting us know!

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