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Camo hat etwas für sich

Die Leute sind überwältigt davon, wie Camo die Qualität von Remote-Anrufen verbessern kann. Erzählen Sie uns von Ihren Erfahrungen, indem Sie @reincubate twittern .

Neue Probleme, gelöst mit Camo

Seit der ersten Beta haben wir mit unseren Benutzern gesprochen, um zu erfahren, welche Probleme Camo ihnen bei der Überwindung hilft.

Von Neurochirurgen über Musiker und Livestreams bis hin zu Menschen, die jetzt von zu Hause aus arbeiten, ermöglicht Camo eine klarere Kommunikation und bessere gemeinsame Erfahrungen für alle.

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Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail und teilen Sie uns mit, wie Sie die Funktionen von Camo genutzt haben. Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte, wenn Sie Vorher-Nachher-Fotos haben, die Sie auch mitschicken.

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Möchten Sie Camo verwenden, um Ihre Remote-Lehrfunktionen zu verbessern? Du bist nicht allein.

Camo is an elegant and simple solution to the common problem of poor webcam quality, despite us carrying around high-quality cameras in our mobile devices.

Whether in the education, telehealth, or work-related communication spheres, a high-quality stream allows us to convey facial expression and body language in a more meaningful way. This has become critical as we try to work remotely though the COVID19 pandemic.

The app is powerful yet very easy to use.

Rohit Bose

Assistant Professor & Genitourinary Medical Oncologist, University of California

Having almost never taught lessons remotely before, our school has moved to teaching a full timetable online. That’s over 1500 hours a week of online lessons!

The key has been to continually improve, learn how to get better, and make sure our teaching was as good as possible. Camo has helped us with this - by helping us use phones as webcams. This sounds such a simple thing - however it’s meant a huge amount.

Firstly phones have a much higher resolution camera than standard laptop webcams meaning the lessons are HD perfect.

Secondly, the throw distance of a phone camera is much greater than that of a webcam, meaning it won’t go out of focus when presenting practicals or at the board.

Thirdly, there’s a much greater degree of flexibility when using Camo - allowing you to change the zoom, the camera being used, the resolution and the colour of the image.

In short, Camo has helped us look more professional, and given us greater flexibility when teaching.

Nicholas Abrams

Assistant Head, Bedes Independent day & Boarding School

Camo is the catalyst behind engaging online learning.

Unlocking my iPhone’s camera allows me to create inspiring video content for students to spark learning and cement growth.

I was so delighted and comforted when I noticed you already had a section in the app to confirm it works with Mmhmm (and literally EVERY other tool I can think of).

Daniel Pfaltzgraf

Visiting Professor, College of Business & Innovation, University of Toledo

Camo is a wonderful and flexible resource for music teaching and streamed performance online, making dual or multiple camera set-ups very doable. I recommend it to my colleagues and students.

Simon Purcell

International Chair in Improvisation, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London UK

The pandemic hit us pretty hard too. In rapid pace we moved all teaching and student interactions online.

Using Camo, I was able to provide my services to students in the best resolution at my disposal, I found that helped to keep students hooked on the content. Keep up the great work!

Vic Vansevenant

Community Manager in Entrepreneurship, UCL School of Management

I have been using Camo for a couple of months now and it has transformed my experience of remote working.

Despite having fairly high-end laptop and display the built-in cameras were just not good enough quality to cope with shifting light conditions (especially with the shorter days of winter). I can now unlock the potential of my iPhone 11 Pro camera(s) and deploy it as a pro-level webcam and take advantage of the adjustments and filters embedded in Camo.

Colleagues have commented on the quality of the image delivered through Camo and how it makes the experience of online meetings seem closer.

Most importantly I have been able to take advantage of the higher resolution provided to share richer educational content like sketches, images and photographs directly with students in tutorials.

Professor Graham Farmer

School of Architecture Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University

Why aren’t all web cam controls like this?

The image quality and access of control of my camera has given me loads of new ideas for online sessions and the tools to do it.

I teach on design courses so getting the best image for demos of drawing and making is really important for both live and presentation work – as well as putting my old iPhone six to great use.

Peter Jones

Associate Lecturer, The Open University

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