将iPhone升级到iOS 3但文件丢失了?

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随着最近发布的iOS 3和iPhone 3GS,我们收到了很多关于iPhone备份提取器的电子邮件。似乎世界各地的人们都在尝试访问他们的iPhone备份来恢复丢失的短信和联系人。我们的工具可让您准确了解iPhone备份中的内容,并允许用户从iTunes备份中恢复特定文件



Exported CSVs from iPhone Backup Extractor

评论 (1)

This tool is awesome! I tried to upgrade my iPhone from 2.2 to 3.0 OS and the upgrade process crashed leaving my phone in the so called "recovery mode" I needed to get some really important media files out of my phone and could not get any help from Apple support on how to access the data from my most recent backup. They kept telling me to restore to factory settings - aka loose all my data. But your tool came to the rescue. I was get all my files out. BRAVO!

Thank you! 😀


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