Wie bekomme ich die Bilder von HiDisk auf IPhone wieder??
Die App existiert im AppStore nicht mehr???
で返信: Reincubate Support
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によって Caio
preciso recuperar os dados do hidisk que perdi do iphone
で返信: Reincubate Support
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によって ingrid prado
Hi, i got a new iphone and i lost all my apps including HiDisk app. I downloaded the app again but i lost all my pictures that was there. How can i get the pics back?
で返信: Reincubate Support
Hey Ingrid, thanks for commenting. We've just sent you an email with help.
によって Neumann
Wie bekomme ich die Bilder von HiDisk auf IPhone wieder?? Die App existiert im AppStore nicht mehr???
で返信: Reincubate Support
Hallo Neumann, wir haben dir unter Anleitung eine Email geschickt.
によって Caio
preciso recuperar os dados do hidisk que perdi do iphone
で返信: Reincubate Support
We're emailing you now...
によって ingrid prado
Hi, i got a new iphone and i lost all my apps including HiDisk app. I downloaded the app again but i lost all my pictures that was there. How can i get the pics back?
で返信: Reincubate Support
Hey Ingrid, thanks for commenting. We've just sent you an email with help.