Como ler backups IPD e BBB da BlackBerry
Você já precisou recuperar e-mails, contatos, textos ou outros dados armazenados no arquivo de backup IPD do seu BlackBerry?
O BlackBerry Backup Extractor pode extrair todos os tipos de backups do BlackBerry. Aqui está um guia sobre como extrair as informações armazenadas nos arquivos de backup do BlacbBerry BBB
ou IPD
, usando o BlackBerry Backup Extractor em quatro etapas simples.
Como extrair dados de um backup do BlackBerry
O BlackBerry Backup Extractor mostra uma prévia do conteúdo do backup e permite selecionar o tipo de dados que você deseja recuperar. Essas categorias incluem o seguinte:
- Contatos
- Chamadas
- Mensagens SMS
- Mensagens BBM
- Emails
- Calendários
- Tarefas
- Memos
- Favoritos
- Fotos
- Vídeos
- Toques
- Dados do aplicativo
- Arquivos de armazenamento (coisas como backups de seus bate-papos do BBM)
Vamos começar.
Baixe o BlackBerry Backup Extractor e abra o backup do BlackBerry.
Visão geral do BlackBerry Backup Extractor Escolha o tipo de dados que você deseja extrair. Neste exemplo, escolhemos email.
Extrator de backup do BlackBerry extraindo e-mails Escolha a pasta de saída, pressione
e recupere seus e-mails: eles serão salvos em sua área de trabalho como arquivoseml
Extrator de backup do BlackBerry após extrair e-mails
Como extrair todos os dados de um backup do BlackBerry
Primeiro, baixe a versão gratuita do Reincubate BlackBerry Backup Extractor e execute-a.
Visão geral do BlackBerry Backup Extractor Selecione seu arquivo de backup do BlackBerry
Clique no botão "Abrir backup ..." para carregar o arquivo de backup do IPD no software. Você verá que o BlackBerry Backup Extractor sabe automaticamente onde procurar por seus arquivos, portanto, você deve ver todos os arquivos de backup apresentados imediatamente. Você não precisa ter o BlackBerry Desktop Software instalado para que isso funcione.
Extrator de backup do BlackBerry navegando por backups IPD e BBB Você não precisa ter uma cópia do BlackBerry Desktop Manager para usar o BlackBerry Backup Extractor: é possível abrir um backup de um pendrive, anexo de e-mail ou até mesmo outro computador.
Clique para extrair todos os dados armazenados no backup
Depois que o backup for aberto, você verá que o BlackBerry Backup Extractor informa quanto do backup leu e quantos bancos de dados encontrou.
Selecione um local para extrair os dados e arquivos de backup e pronto! Dados de backup, como contatos, e-mails, memorandos, eventos de calendário, arquivos de mídia (apenas armazenamento do telefone), mensagens SMS e MMS e conversas do BBM serão recuperados e salvos na pasta que você escolheu.
Extrator de backup do BlackBerry selecionando a pasta de saída
Agora, vamos dar uma olhada nos dados que você recuperou.

Você deve ver os seguintes tipos de arquivos extraídos disponíveis:
Conversa do BlackBerry Messenger e arquivos de backup
Os dados do BBM serão extraídos para essas pastas:
\BBM Conversations\conversations.csv
\Content Store\home\user\im\BlackBerry Messenger\322E5CD6\backup\
Fotos, fotos e musica
Suas fotos, músicas e fotos da câmera serão extraídas aqui:
\Content Store\home\user\camera\
\Content Store\home\user\pictures\
\Content Store\home\user\music\
Dados e arquivos do aplicativo
Estes serão extraídos aqui:
\Content Store\appdata\
E-mails enviados e recebidos e rascunhos de e-mail salvos

Os e-mails do seu BlackBerry serão extraídos no formato eml
, que pode ser facilmente lido pelo Microsoft Outlook e por vários outros clientes de e-mail. Observe que o BlackBerry Desktop Manager raramente salva anexos de e-mail em seus backups. Isso significa que o extrator raramente irá recuperá-los.
Contatos e catálogo de endereços

Os contatos e catálogo de endereços no arquivo BlackBerry IPD são extraídos em uma variedade de formatos: CSV simples para uso fácil e como um grande arquivo VCF para importação em uma variedade de plataformas de webmail. Além disso, cada contato individual é exportado para um arquivo VCF para facilitar a importação para o Microsoft Outlook ou o Catálogo de Endereços do Windows.
Histórico de chamadas telefônicas

O histórico de chamadas telefônicas do backup será exportado para um arquivo CSV de fácil leitura.
SMS e mensagens de texto

SMS e mensagens de texto do arquivo de backup do BlackBerry serão salvos em um arquivo CSV simples e agradável.
Os dados MMS serão extraídos para essas pastas:
\MMS Messages\
\MMS Messages\images\
\MMS Messages\vcards\
Compromissos do calendário

Todos os compromissos do calendário incluídos no arquivo IPD serão exportados para um CSV simples e também para um arquivo ICS / ICal para facilitar a importação para o seu cliente de email ou calendário.
Tarefas e notas (notas)

As tarefas e notas (notas) são extraídas em arquivos CSV, e as tarefas também são extraídas em um formato acessível ICS / ICal para importação na maioria dos softwares de e-mail ou calendário.
Qual formato o BlackBerry usa para backups?
Historicamente, o BlackBerry Desktop Manager salvou os arquivos do BlackBerry Backup no formato IPD
no Windows e BBB
no macOS. IPD
backups em formato IPD
fazem parte da genética de backup do BlackBerry Desktop Manager desde antes que possamos nos lembrar. Os arquivos do Mac eram uma versão compactada do formato do Windows. IPD
significava "Inter @ ctive Pager Backup", que o BlackBerry possivelmente considerou uma descrição arcaica, digna de substituição.
O BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 foi lançado em fevereiro de 2012, logo após o lançamento do PlayBook OS 2. Esta nova versão do BDS introduziu um novo formato 2 para arquivos de backup BBB
para Windows e MacOS. O novo formato tem outras diferenças e agora contém um conjunto compactado de arquivos DAT
. Cada arquivo DAT
contém um subconjunto relevante de dados, como contatos ou calendário.
Extensão | OS | Versão | Notas |
IPD | janelas | BDM 1 - 6 | Clássico "Inter @ ctive Pager Backup" formato |
IPD 2 | Windows e macOS | BDS 6.1 | Usado apenas pelo BlackBerry PlayBook |
BBB | Mac OS | BDM 1 - 6 | IPD zipado |
BBB 2 | Windows e macOS | De BDS 7+ | Novo formato de 2012 |
Boa sorte para recuperar seus dados - e entre em contato conosco se precisar de suporte.
de Bronco Bob
I have a Blackberry 8330 (I love the trackball)..Verizon is my carrier..they tell me as of Demember 2019 my 8330 will no longer work on their network so I'll need to ourchase a new phone..I backed up my Blackberry to my laptop (pc)..however when I try to open my backup file it can not be read..will your software be able to get my contacts from either my existing backup files on laptop and convert the files to a word doc on my laptop...I have a cable so i'm able to plug my blackberry into my laptop..Advise how to help my dilemma...Thanks..btw, what is the cost for your software..if your software can solve my problem..
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hi Bob, thanks for your note. Sure, drop us a note or message us on live chat. BlackBerry Backup Extractor can recover data from the 8330, and it costs $24.95.
de fabiola
Hi, is it possible to read voice notes in the blackberry backup with your program?
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hi Fabiola, it sure is! We've dropped you an email to guide you through the process. Thanks!
de Sue
Got a little from my backup - elcomsoft got nothing! But I don't know the difference in ipd or bbb.
Lots of info missing. Only 5 contacts there etc. I had an old curve then a HTC cant remember now which I used to restore to my new phone. Is this the problem or are the files corrupt?
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hey Sue, thanks for commenting. I think you're using the free version of BlackBerry Backup Extractor. That'll get the first 5 files out. If you buy a license it'll export all of them for you. 🙂
de Philip Buckmaster
Hi, I want to extract my calendar, but the free version only extracts 5 entries, which isn't enough to see if it's worth buying. The entries are not in date order.
This also seems to be the case with other similar software. I don't want to pay for something that doesn't do what I want - to be able to look at, for example, a csv file, and see what I've got this week. Can you help?
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hi Philip, thanks for your email and for checking out the free version. We deliberate have the free edition return records from a range of dates. Don't forget we have a money back promise if the software doesn't work for you. 👩💻
de Al Catraz
And is there -- somewhere -- the layout of he BBB file format? I would like to be able to write an app to read it - just like others apps do ...
responder por: Reincubate Support
Like BlackBerry Backup Extractor? 👩🏫
de wally
do you have a version for macs?
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Wally: we sure do! You should see the download link above.
de hansp
I do have version 6.1 of the desktop SW and did try to install the 7.1 Bundle on my Torch. Now I do have a bbb file that I have no way to read back onto my device! Just a mess. No wonder RIM is having a hard time...
responder por: Reincubate Support
BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 is now out, so this should be OK to restore
files on Windows. If not BlackBerry Backup Extractor can help extract any BlackBerry backup gail pink
hi my son pressed clear instead of copy on his bbm can this history be retrieved
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Gail, if the he created a backup prior to the clearing his BBM messages, then yes -- in CSV format. You can try BlackBerry Backup Extractor for free just to see if he has any backups or not.
You could even restore just the BBM messages using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, we have articles here on how to do this: How to recover BlackBerry Messenger contacts and conversations
de jay
sorry, one other question. HELP please!!! i am using desktop manager 4.6.0 on a 3 yr old 8310 curve. (i know, both old.) i had numerous critical "saved as draft" emails that were not actually sent. are these recoverable from my files? i think my phone memory was low and something happened a week or so ago and i lost alot of my email file (and others)on the phone that i had been backing up to bbm. thanks!
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Jay; When extracting from you backup the BlackBerry Backup Extractor should save these in a folder called "Emails Saved". If not these were not saved to the backup, it's probably better to ask this sort of question in support -- please reach out direct. 🙂
de sarah
i am wondering if my photo's and video will be saved on the blackberry backup files, and can your product open them up?
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Sarah, only if the photos and video were save to the phone memory, not the SD Card. Also they have to be backed up via DM before they were deleted. If you deleted from the SD card there is software that tries to recover deleted files from these.
de Andy
BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 is still not available from the BlackBerry download page. It's worth pointing out that DM 7 creates backups in
format, so if you have had to downgrade to DM 6 you'll have issues accessing theBBB
file data until DM 7 is Terrence A. Carr
I have already purchased your program. Are the BlackBerry messages saved in the backup procedure and if so how can I see them using your program
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Terrence, yes they are. You can find related BBM files in these folders:
BBM Conversations\conversations.csv
Content Store\home\user\im\BlackBerry Messenger\322E5CD6\backup
de Chris Perry
I have come stuck with importing my emails to another phone. Is the process outlined above able to convert my blackberry emails to a gmail?
C Perry
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hi Chris, the simplest way would be to access your Gmail with Microsoft Outlook, and drag the exported files into Outlook. That'll sort it out. 🙂 Reach out to us if you get stuck!
de Mike Trevethan
How do I view extracted file in MS Outlook?
Regards Mike
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Mike: You can just import the either contacts or calendars using the extracted CSV, iCal or iCS files. We have more information here.
de Jocelyn Ivie
Wondering if it recovers the Password Keeper. Thanks!
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hey Jocelyn, thanks for commenting. Yes, BlackBerry Backup Extractor recovers data from Password Keeper. You'll need to use Password Keeper to read the the extracted file. Reach out to us if you get stuck!
de Pedro
Hello.. I Would like to purchase your software, Blackberry Backup Extractor.
However i've been trying to figure out if the "Purged Messages" Database are actually readable. I've spent quite a alot of time googling this now, and did not get any answers,.Please advise.
responder por: Reincubate Support
@Pedro Thanks for your interest in the Blackberry Backup Extractor. The way messages are 'purged' is often dependant on the service provider of the phone, the settings used and the BB OS. The application cannot recover deleted messages unless they are backed up in a IPD, few service providers tend to do this at all but it does happen now and then.
You can try the BBBE application for free, once you extract data from the IPD file navigate to the follow folder:
EXTRACTED-FOLDER\Other\Purged Messages
You will either see a sample of deleted messages, deleted message references (useless pointer info) or an empty file.
de NewJerseyGuy
The Blackberry Backup Extractor works great and the extracted
files can be imported seamlessly into Windows Live Mail (free download from Microsoft). All attachments and formatting is retained.My only remark at this point is that Live Mail fails to import multiple vcf files even though it did the first 3 or so and throws up an error. I can still pull an individual vcf in but hope that this is fixed soon.
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hey NewJerseyGuy, thanks for kind words. We're glad it worked out for you. Microsoft are due to update Live Mail's import functionality soon -- it's overdue!
de Susan
Can this backup converter recover photos from the media/all pictures folder on BB?
If so, then what type of file shows up on extraction?
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hi Susan, yes it can. They'll be extracted in whichever format they're stored on in the device: usually that means JPEG format for most of them. Download the free edition and give it a go.
de Stryker Moses
Does the registered version decrypt password keeper items
responder por: Reincubate Support
Hi Stryker: the registered version will extract your Password Keeper file in Password Keeper's own format: you'll need Password Keeper to read the file, however. 👍