IPD&BBB BlackBerryのバックアップの読み方



BlackBerry Backup Extractorは、あらゆる種類のBlackBerryバックアップを抽出できます。これは、4つの簡単なステップでBlackBerry Backup Extractorを使用して、BlacbBerry BBBまたはIPDバックアップファイルに保存されている情報を抽出する方法に関するガイドです。


BlackBerry Backup Extractorは、バックアップの内容のプレビューを表示し、復元するデータの種類を選択できます。これらのカテゴリには、次のものがあります。

  • 連絡先
  • 電話
  • SMSメッセージ
  • MMS
  • BBMメッセージ
  • メール
  • カレンダー
  • タスク
  • メモ
  • ブックマーク
  • 写真
  • 動画
  • 着メロ
  • アプリデータ
  • 保存ファイル(BBMチャットのバックアップなど)


  1. BlackBerry Backup Extractorをダウンロードして、BlackBerryバックアップを開きます。

    BlackBerry Backup Extractor's overview
    BlackBerry Backup Extractorの概要

  2. どの種類のデータを抽出するかを選択します。この例では、電子メールを選択しました。

    BlackBerry Backup Extractor extracting emails
    BlackBerry Backup Extractorによるメール抽出

  3. 出力フォルダを選択し、 Extractを押してメールを復元します。これらはemlファイルとしてデスクトップに保存されます。

    BlackBerry Backup Extractor after extracting emails
    メール抽出後のBlackBerry Backup Extractor


  1. まず、無料バージョンのReincubate BlackBerry Backup Extractorをダウンロードして実行します。

    BlackBerry Backup Extractor's overview
    BlackBerry Backup Extractorの概要

  2. BlackBerryバックアップファイルを選択してください

    "Open backup ..."ボタンをクリックしてIPDバックアップファイルをソフトウェアにロードしてください。 BlackBerry Backup Extractorがファイルの検索場所を自動的に認識していることがわかります。そのため、バックアップファイルがすぐに表示されます。これを機能させるためにBlackBerry Desktop Softwareをインストールする必要はありません。

    BlackBerry Backup Extractor browsing for IPD and BBB backups
    IPDおよびBBBバックアップ用のBlackBerry Backup Extractorの参照

    BlackBerry Backup Extractorを使用するためにBlackBerry Desktop Managerのコピーを用意する必要はありません。USBスティック、メールの添付ファイル、または他のコンピューターからもバックアップを開くことができます。

  3. クリックすると、バックアップに保存されているすべてのデータが抽出されます。

    バックアップが開かれると、BlackBerry Backup Extractorがバックアップのうちどれぐらい読み込んだか、および見つかった情報のデータベースの数についてレポートします。


    BlackBerry Backup Extractor selecting output folder
    出力フォルダを選択しているBlackBerry Backup Extractor


Files recovered from BlackBerry backup


BlackBerry Messengerの会話とバックアップファイル


  • \BBM Conversations\conversations.csv
  • \Content Store\home\user\im\BlackBerry Messenger\322E5CD6\backup\



  • \Content Store\home\user\camera\
  • \Content Store\home\user\pictures\
  • \Content Store\home\user\music\



  • \Content Store\appdata\


Sent and received emails extracted from a BlackBerry backup

BlackBerryの電子メールはeml形式で抽出されます。これは、Microsoft Outlookや他の多数の電子メールクライアントで簡単に読むことができます。 BlackBerry Desktop Managerがバックアップにメールの添付ファイルを保存することはめったにありません。これは、エクストラクターがそれらをほとんど回復しないことを意味します。


Contacts and address book extracted from a BlackBerry backup

BlackBerry IPDファイルの連絡先とアドレス帳は、さまざまな形式で抽出されます。簡単に使用するための単純なCSVファイル、およびさまざまなWebメールプラットフォームにインポートするための大きなVCFファイルです。さらに、個々の連絡先はVCFファイルにエクスポートされ、Microsoft OutlookまたはWindowsアドレス帳に簡単にインポートできます。


Phone call history extracted from a BlackBerry backup



SMS and text messages extracted from a BlackBerry backup



  • \MMS Messages\
  • \MMS Messages\images\
  • \MMS Messages\vcards\


Calendar appointments extracted from a BlackBerry backup

IPDファイルに含まれる予定表の予定はすべて、簡単なCSVファイルにエクスポートされます。また、電子メールまたは予定表クライアントに簡単にインポートできるように、ICS / ICalファイルにもエクスポートされます。


Tasks extracted from a BlackBerry backup

Notes extracted from a BlackBerry backup

タスクとメモ(メモ)はCSVファイルに抽出され、タスクはほとんどのEメールまたはカレンダーソフトウェアにインポートするための便利なICS / ICal形式にも抽出されます。


歴史的に、BlackBerry Desktop Managerは、BlackBerry BackupファイルをWindowsではIPD形式で、macOSではBBB形式で保存してきました。 IPDフォーマットのバックアップは、思い出せるようになる前からBlackBerry Desktop Managerのバックアップ機能の一部です。 MacのファイルはWindowsフォーマットの圧縮版でした。 IPDは「対話式ポケットベルバックアップ」を意味していましたが、これはBlackBerryがおそらく古風な説明だと考えていたので置き換える価値があります。

BlackBerry Desktop Software 7は、PlayBook OS 2のリリース直後の2012年2月にリリースされました。この新しいバージョンのBDSは、WindowsとmacOSの両方のBBBバックアップファイル用に新しいフォーマット2を導入しました。新しい形式には他にも違いがあり、現在はDATファイルの圧縮セットが含まれています。各DATファイルには、連絡先やカレンダーなどのデータの関連サブセットが含まれています。

拡張 OS バージョンノート
IPD Windows BDM 1 - 6 古典的な "対話型ポケットベルバックアップ"形式
IPD 2 WindowsとmacOS BDS 6.1 BlackBerry PlayBookでのみ使用されます。
BBB マックOS BDM 1 - 6 ジップIPD
BBB 2 WindowsとmacOS BDS 7以降から 2012年からの新しい形式

幸運にもあなたのデータを回復しています - そしてあなたがサポートを必要とするならば私達に連絡してください。



営業時間は月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後5時(GMT)です。 時間は現在 1:39 AM GMTです。



コメント (19)

I have a Blackberry 8330 (I love the trackball)..Verizon is my carrier..they tell me as of Demember 2019 my 8330 will no longer work on their network so I'll need to ourchase a new phone..I backed up my Blackberry to my laptop (pc)..however when I try to open my backup file it can not be read..will your software be able to get my contacts from either my existing backup files on laptop and convert the files to a word doc on my laptop...I have a cable so i'm able to plug my blackberry into my laptop..Advise how to help my dilemma...Thanks..btw, what is the cost for your software..if your software can solve my problem..

Hi Bob, thanks for your note. Sure, drop us a note or message us on live chat. BlackBerry Backup Extractor can recover data from the 8330, and it costs $24.95.

Hi, is it possible to read voice notes in the blackberry backup with your program?

Hi Fabiola, it sure is! We've dropped you an email to guide you through the process. Thanks!

Got a little from my backup - elcomsoft got nothing! But I don't know the difference in ipd or bbb.

Lots of info missing. Only 5 contacts there etc. I had an old curve then a HTC cant remember now which I used to restore to my new phone. Is this the problem or are the files corrupt?

Hey Sue, thanks for commenting. I think you're using the free version of BlackBerry Backup Extractor. That'll get the first 5 files out. If you buy a license it'll export all of them for you. 🙂

Hi, I want to extract my calendar, but the free version only extracts 5 entries, which isn't enough to see if it's worth buying. The entries are not in date order.

This also seems to be the case with other similar software. I don't want to pay for something that doesn't do what I want - to be able to look at, for example, a csv file, and see what I've got this week. Can you help?

Hi Philip, thanks for your email and for checking out the free version. We deliberate have the free edition return records from a range of dates. Don't forget we have a money back promise if the software doesn't work for you. 👩‍💻

And is there -- somewhere -- the layout of he BBB file format? I would like to be able to write an app to read it - just like others apps do ...

Like BlackBerry Backup Extractor? 👩‍🏫

do you have a version for macs?

@Wally: we sure do! You should see the download link above.

I do have version 6.1 of the desktop SW and did try to install the 7.1 Bundle on my Torch. Now I do have a bbb file that I have no way to read back onto my device! Just a mess. No wonder RIM is having a hard time...

BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 is now out, so this should be OK to restore .BBB files on Windows. If not BlackBerry Backup Extractor can help extract any BlackBerry backup format.

hi my son pressed clear instead of copy on his bbm can this history be retrieved

@Gail, if the he created a backup prior to the clearing his BBM messages, then yes -- in CSV format. You can try BlackBerry Backup Extractor for free just to see if he has any backups or not.

You could even restore just the BBM messages using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, we have articles here on how to do this: How to recover BlackBerry Messenger contacts and conversations

sorry, one other question. HELP please!!! i am using desktop manager 4.6.0 on a 3 yr old 8310 curve. (i know, both old.) i had numerous critical "saved as draft" emails that were not actually sent. are these recoverable from my files? i think my phone memory was low and something happened a week or so ago and i lost alot of my email file (and others)on the phone that i had been backing up to bbm. thanks!

@Jay; When extracting from you backup the BlackBerry Backup Extractor should save these in a folder called "Emails Saved". If not these were not saved to the backup, it's probably better to ask this sort of question in support -- please reach out direct. 🙂

i am wondering if my photo's and video will be saved on the blackberry backup files, and can your product open them up?

@Sarah, only if the photos and video were save to the phone memory, not the SD Card. Also they have to be backed up via DM before they were deleted. If you deleted from the SD card there is software that tries to recover deleted files from these.

BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 is still not available from the BlackBerry download page. It's worth pointing out that DM 7 creates backups in BBB format, so if you have had to downgrade to DM 6 you'll have issues accessing the BBB file data until DM 7 is relaunched.

I have already purchased your program. Are the BlackBerry messages saved in the backup procedure and if so how can I see them using your program

@Terrence, yes they are. You can find related BBM files in these folders:

  • BBM Conversations\conversations.csv
  • Content Store\home\user\im\BlackBerry Messenger\322E5CD6\backup

I have come stuck with importing my blackberry.orange.co.uk emails to another phone. Is the process outlined above able to convert my blackberry emails to a gmail?


C Perry

Hi Chris, the simplest way would be to access your Gmail with Microsoft Outlook, and drag the exported files into Outlook. That'll sort it out. 🙂 Reach out to us if you get stuck!

How do I view extracted file in MS Outlook?

Regards Mike

@Mike: You can just import the either contacts or calendars using the extracted CSV, iCal or iCS files. We have more information here.

Wondering if it recovers the Password Keeper. Thanks!

Hey Jocelyn, thanks for commenting. Yes, BlackBerry Backup Extractor recovers data from Password Keeper. You'll need to use Password Keeper to read the the extracted file. Reach out to us if you get stuck!

Hello.. I Would like to purchase your software, Blackberry Backup Extractor.

However i've been trying to figure out if the "Purged Messages" Database are actually readable. I've spent quite a alot of time googling this now, and did not get any answers,.Please advise.

@Pedro Thanks for your interest in the Blackberry Backup Extractor. The way messages are 'purged' is often dependant on the service provider of the phone, the settings used and the BB OS. The application cannot recover deleted messages unless they are backed up in a IPD, few service providers tend to do this at all but it does happen now and then.

You can try the BBBE application for free, once you extract data from the IPD file navigate to the follow folder: EXTRACTED-FOLDER\Other\Purged Messages

You will either see a sample of deleted messages, deleted message references (useless pointer info) or an empty file.

The Blackberry Backup Extractor works great and the extracted .eml files can be imported seamlessly into Windows Live Mail (free download from Microsoft). All attachments and formatting is retained.

My only remark at this point is that Live Mail fails to import multiple vcf files even though it did the first 3 or so and throws up an error. I can still pull an individual vcf in but hope that this is fixed soon.

Hey NewJerseyGuy, thanks for kind words. We're glad it worked out for you. Microsoft are due to update Live Mail's import functionality soon -- it's overdue!

Can this backup converter recover photos from the media/all pictures folder on BB?

If so, then what type of file shows up on extraction?

Hi Susan, yes it can. They'll be extracted in whichever format they're stored on in the device: usually that means JPEG format for most of them. Download the free edition and give it a go.

Does the registered version decrypt password keeper items

Hi Stryker: the registered version will extract your Password Keeper file in Password Keeper's own format: you'll need Password Keeper to read the file, however. 👍

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