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Примечания к выпуску и журналы изменений для Camo

Camo released

macOS iOS · 5 features 2 улучшения 5 fixes

We're excited today to be releasing a new update for Camo Studio which not only brings a number of bugfixes but also a brand new icon for the app!

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Feature From today's release, both Camo and Camo Studio share a new icon, designed by our incredibly talented friend, Gavin Nelson. We hope you love it!
  • Feature We now change Camo's status bar icon in order to show whether the video from Camo is currently being used in a video app.
  • Feature Portrait mode can now be added to your custom presets.
  • Feature Always stay on top. Camo Studio now sports an option to ensure its window remains on top of your desktop.
  • Feature Window transparency. You can now put make Studio partially transparent, making it more powerful when reading to camera with speaking notes behind the main window.
  • Improvement We made some changes to the menus to ensure that all of Camo's features are always at your fingertips. This includes adding camera and video controls to the advanced menu.
  • Improvement Added support for many more video apps.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue with audio recording on M1 Macs.
  • Fix Fixed a crash when opening links from the help window.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which was preventing the trackpad from being used to zoom, and made general improvements to zoom and panning.
  • Fix Fixed an issue which led to Camo's menu bar sometimes being unresponsive.
  • Fix Fixed a rare crash for users with particularly unusual machines!

Camo released

macOS iOS · 1 улучшение 3 исправления

Today's update to Camo fixes a few little issues and paves the way for some exciting updates. More on that soon!

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Improvement We've made a lot of changes under the hood to how Camo communicates with your computer.
  • Fix We've reduced flickering when changing between lenses and modes.
  • Fix We've resolved a bug which led to slower connection times for some users.
  • Fix We resolved a really odd issue where enabling portrait mode whilst using 192x144 could cause oddities.

Camo released

macOS · 1 исправление

Today’s update fixes an issue where Camo could be slow to connect for some users.

  • Fix Camo should now connect much more rapidly. We hope this wasn’t affecting you.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 1 исправление

It's important that Camo Studio uses as few resources on your Mac as possible. Camo Studio 1.3.3 resolves some performance issues.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Fix Resolved an issue where Camo's camera plugin could cause some apps to use more CPU than necessary.

Camo released


This Camo Studio update fixes a crash that some users on older Macs were experiencing.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 1 исправление

We hope you're enjoying Camo 1.3! Today's update comes with some further performance improvements.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Fix Fixed a rare crash when "Record Logs" is enabled.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 3 функции 6 improvements 7 fixes

After lots of hard work, we're thrilled to be releasing Camo Studio 1.3, which brings with it many more highly-requested features and builds the foundation for even more.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Feature We now support 11 languages! We're excited to have translations for speakers of Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
  • Feature Introduced in Camo 1.3, we now turn off your device's screen automatically when it is mounted to conserve power. In Camo Studio, you can now adjust this in Advanced settings.
  • Feature You can now export the current video frame displayed in Camo! Look in the File menu.
  • Improvement We've completely redesigned the screens shown in video apps when your device wasn't connected.
  • Improvement We have added more apps to our Integrations section, including Tuple and Facebook Workplace. We've also updated the information for existing apps, such as Webex (which we now support!)
  • Improvement We've changed how Camo Studio behaves when you accidentally launch another version, to avoid interruptions to your video.
  • Improvement We have been working hard on performance improvements and building out the foundation for some of our most requested features!
  • Improvement We've done a minor reorganisation of some of our controls for consistency across the app.
  • Improvement Camo Studio should now use even less resources when not in use.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue where clicking on the image to focus could fail.
  • Fix Camo Studio could crash if another app had already reserved its hotkey. We now handle that better.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue where the window title could display incorrectly.
  • Fix For some users, Camo Studio might have been shy and hid behind other windows. It will now come to the front, like other apps!
  • Fix We've made some changes to better support the upcoming macOS 11.3 update.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue where some sliders with manual entry might have rudely given up on you while you were typing.
  • Fix We've also made some smaller bug fixes.

Camo released

macOS · 1 исправление

This Camo Studio update contains a bug fix for users on older versions of macOS. We're working hard on some great features for 1.3 that are launching very soon. Stay tuned!

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Fix Camo Studio would occasionally crash for macOS 10.13 and 10.14 users. This should now be fixed.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 1 функция 3 улучшения 4 исправления

Today's update to Camo Studio contains a few smaller improvements while we work on some long-requested features. Stay tuned!

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Feature You can now search in the integrations window.
  • Improvement Camo Studio can now integrate with Apple Silicon-only apps. (We already had M1 support, though!)
  • Improvement We've added new apps to our integrations: Descript, Filmora, Zoho Meetings, and Brave Browser. Welcome! We've also updated Webex and QuickTime Player's compatibility information.
  • Improvement We've updated the battery icon to be easier to read.
  • Fix Camo Studio would sometimes fail to remove itself from the Downloads folder upon installation. This has been fixed.
  • Fix Some American users may have experienced notifications from Camo Studio containing incorrect text. This is now resolved.
  • Fix Audio now works correctly on macOS 10.13.
  • Fix We've made some behind the scenes improvements to Camo to keep it working great.

Camo released

macOS · 1 улучшение 1 исправление

Camo Studio 1.2.2 is another minor update to iron out some more issues with audio.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Fix If you updated to macOS 11.1 on an M1 Mac, you might have noticed that Camo audio stopped appearing as a microphone. This should now be resolved.
  • Improvement We now correctly indicate whether an app is using video or audio in the "Apps using Camo" section.

Camo released

macOS · 1 улучшение

Camo Studio 1.2.1 is a minor update to make it slightly clearer how to use audio from your iOS device.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Improvement Rather than saying "None" in Camo Studio before audio has been requested, it now says "Ready". As soon as you start to stream audio, your device's mics will appear. We're going to resolve this properly with our next update of the iOS app.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 1 функция 1 улучшение 4 исправления

We're thrilled to be shipping Camo Studio 1.2 today. It introduces a big new feature: high quality audio support. Camo Studio now lets you choose between the different microphones your iOS devices have, and to use them in stereo where supported by your device. We've seen this compare very favourably to some of the external mics we've been testing with.

For this feature to appear in Camo Studio, an iOS app update is required. Apple have approved it for release, and it should appear for you in the App Store over the next few hours.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Feature Camo Studio now supports audio.
  • Improvement We've optimised the Camo Studio UI for macOS Big Sur's new design language.
  • Fix We've fixed an error users may have received while attempting to activate Camo Pro without a license.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue where the "Apps using Camo" section could show incorrect processes.
  • Fix We've fixed some smaller UI issues users may have encountered.
  • Fix We've added a number of optimisations for the iPhone 5s.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 2 функции 1 улучшение 1 исправление

Here's the big Big Sur release for Camo Studio: 1.1.3 includes a number of updates and improvements for Big Sur and M1 users.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Feature Camo Studio now fully supports Apple Silicon M1 devices.
  • Feature Custom watermarks! You can now use custom watermarks with Camo.
  • Improvement We've tweaked Camo Studio's icon to be more sympathetic to Big Sur. Don't worry, we're not done yet — we've got an amazing update to the icon on its way.
  • Fix The integration window looked a bit strange for some users on Big Sur. We've resolved that.

Camo released

macOS · 2 улучшения

Camo Studio 1.1.2 includes an important compatibility update for users running Microsoft Teams.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Improvement Microsoft Teams shipped an update that changes how it works with cameras like Camo. We've updated our integration to support it as of version
  • Improvement Blizz has renamed to TeamViewer Meeting, and we've updated Camo's integration to reflect that.

Camo released

macOS · 1 функция 2 улучшения 2 исправления

Today's update to Camo Studio brings a number of small but helpful additions, and we hope you enjoy using it.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you. We're expecting to ship 1.2 soon, which will be bringing audio support, custom watermarks, and more.

  • Feature You can now directly enter values for any of Camo's adjustments using the keyboard. Click on them and you'll see it goes into edit mode.
  • Improvement We now bring Camo Studio to the foreground when you double-click its icon in the menu bar. Try it — it's handy.
  • Improvement We've added a pair of business-friendly sample presets for modifying saturation. If you've got an amazing preset that you'd like us to include, please let us know.
  • Fix We've resolved a bug whereby the menu bar never shows that "portrait mode" is selected.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue on machines with strange networking configurations.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 3 функции 8 improvements 4 исправления

We're thrilled to be releasing Camo Studio 1.1. This update paves the way for a number of features which will be enabled with a subsequent update of the Camo iOS app.

Once you've installed this update, you'll need to restart any apps using Camo's video on your Mac. If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

We've pushed audio support to 1.2, and we're expecting to ship that hot on the heels of this release. It looks — and sounds — great. Camo Studio for Windows is now in its 8th beta. If you're interested in trying it out, you can get on the list here.

  • Feature Portrait mode preview. Look out for an update coming soon in the App Store to enable this.
  • Feature Camo's status menu now shows a list of apps consuming video from Camo.
  • Feature We've added new -install and -uninstall options for command-line users. Usage of these is documented in our FAQ.
  • Improvement We've reworked the focus UI to make it easier to use, and clearer as to what it's doing. Some lenses don't support manual focus, and the Studio UI now reflects this.
  • Improvement We've rearranged how we group controls in order make Camo Studio's layout clearer. Collapsed sections stay collapsed.
  • Improvement Camo for iOS now indicates camera feature availability, which Camo Studio uses to selectively enable controls.
  • Improvement Separate British vs American English translations. We get the "z"s right. This is paving the way for full translation, coming soon.
  • Improvement Scrolling the preview is now smoother for trackpad users.
  • Improvement Camo Studio will now detect when the password prompt can be skipped and do so (ie. if you're running with sudo).
  • Improvement Default settings are now more sensible for some adjustments.
  • Improvement Pan control now uses actual frame aspect ratio (as opposed to the user's selected resolution, which ignored rotation).
  • Fix Users of Big Sur are no longer prompted each time for an installation password when running Camo Studio.
  • Fix We've resolved a number of issues with auto-focus.
  • Fix We no longer reset the focus when users click on the grey area outside of the preview, or on the sidebar.
  • Fix Stock presets now reset exposure settings.

Camo released

macOS · 1 исправление

Today's update to Camo Studio is a minor update which includes a fix for users running macOS 10.14.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

Camo 1.1 is just around the corner, and we can't wait to share it with you. Camo Studio for Windows is now in its fourth beta, and it looks — and works — great. If you're interested in trying it out, you can get on the list here.

  • Fix We've completed our earlier work resolving problems affecting some users running macOS 10.14. Sorry for the inconvenience. We'd love to read how you get on with it.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 1 функция 1 улучшение 5 fixes

We're really excited to be shipping Camo 1.0.8 today. This includes a number of optimisations, fixes, and a big new feature: presets. Camo Studio includes a set of stock presets for all users to try out and experiment with.

This version of Camo Studio requires the latest version of Camo from the App Store to work: don't update this until you've updated your iOS device. If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

In the meantime, our work towards 1.1 continues, and things are looking good. Camo Studio for Windows is currently in its third beta, and it looks — and works — great. If you're interested in trying it out, you can get on the list here.

  • Feature Presets are now live. We'd love to hear how you get on with them. Email us or tweet us.
  • Improvement We've added a number of nice optimisations to help Camo run faster and with even lower latency.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue where the iPhone's camera wouldn't go back to continuous auto-focus.
  • Fix We've fixed some fiddliness when changing lens position, etc.
  • Fix We've improved Camo's compatibility with a number of recording apps, such as Final Cut Pro, QuickTime, and ScreenFlow.
  • Fix We've resolved a bug whereby some settings where removed on pause, and not reapplied.
  • Fix We've resolved a problem whereby some macOS 10.14 users would run into disconnect problems or experience memory leaks.

Camo released

macOS · 4 улучшения 4 исправления

Life's been busy at Reincubate Towers as we work our way to the Camo 1.1 update. We've got a lot of neat things in the oven, waiting to come out. On that note, today marks the start of our private beta of Camo Studio for Windows. If you're interested in trying it out, you can get on the list here.

In the meantime, here's Camo Studio 1.0.7 for macOS, with more supported apps and a number of important quality of life fixes. If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Improvement We've added compatibility notes for Loom and vMix, and added a solution for using Photo Booth.
  • Improvement Although Camo Studio doesn't mention it in its compatibility section, this update includes a number of tweaks to work with Panopto, our new unofficial BFFs. 🤝 Panopto doesn't support changes in aspect ratio (ie. 16:9 to 4:3, or portrait to landscape), but short of that things should be looking good. Please let us know how you get on with it. Maybe we can make things official with a follow-up next week.
  • Improvement Camo Studio's side-bar sections are now collapsible. You can collapse them to make room for something. What, though? I suppose you'll find out in a few updates' time.
  • Improvement We changed a number of things behind the scenes which should come into play when we ship the next Camo update on iOS.
  • Fix Camo wasn't working with recording to iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Now it does. Hurrah. 🎉
  • Fix Some users reported audio latency when using Camo to record in QuickTime or ScreenFlow. We've resolved that. We've still got some bumps to smooth out here, but you should have a better experience now.
  • Fix Our integration with Hand Mirror was broken in the last release. Sorry. We've fixed that now.
  • Fix Our license dialog did some slightly unintuitive things which we've fixed.

Camo released

macOS iOS · 4 улучшения 4 исправления

We've been hard at work on Camo over the last few weeks, getting closer our major 1.1 update. In the meantime, we've prepared this update to make Camo Studio more intuitive, and to resolve a small number of issues. We've not forgotten about presets, either — we want to make sure we get them just right, and they're not. Yet.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Improvement We've added compatibility notes for another 8 apps: CloudApp, Pearl, Pexip, Hand Mirror, Wirecast, RingCentral, YouTube and Panopto. We support 7 of those 8: if you know anyone at Panopto, please drop them a note on our behalf. Compatibility notes have been updated for Camtasia, and for QuickTime on Big Sur.
  • Improvement Camo Studio's "Help" button is now called "Help & Integrations". It looks a bit less flash, but it's easier to find!
  • Improvement We note that some USB hubs can cause connection issues in Camo Studio's main screen. More here.
  • Improvement It was only 6 versions ago we wrote that a competitor copied the ID we use for Camo Studio, preventing it from working whilst both were installed. It's happened again. The price of being popular, eh? We've updated our ID again.
  • Fix We've resolved a problem where older devices running iOS 12 (particularly the iPhone 5s, iPad Mini 2, and iPad Air 1) could encounter half of the image being chopped off. This version of Camo Studio includes a fix for that, but you'll need an updated version of Camo on your iOS device. That version (1.0.6) will be made available to our beta testers today, and should go live to all users later this week assuming that beta goes well.
  • Fix The "Help" link in the Camo Studio installation dialog didn't go to the right place. Sorry. We've fixed that.
  • Fix We've resolved a bug in Camo Studio that could crash it in unusual cases.
  • Fix We've fixed an even less common bug which could cause strange image corruption. We didn't have a single user report of this, so possibly we only managed to trigger it in the lab. 🤷‍♂️

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