iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractorのリリースノートと変更履歴

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの新機能 1つの改善 1つのバグ修正

We're celebrating Tuesday and London's first glimpse of the sun in 2018 with a new release today. ☀️

  • Feature Oh my goodness! We've just shipped drag and drop support for expert mode. You can drag in! You can drag out!
  • Improvement Image previews are clearer as to what is happening when the image cannot be displayed.
  • Fix Progress is shown more accurately for iCloud access.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善 4つのバグ修正

Three deploys in a week. Yes, that's how our 2018 is starting. How is yours? Our new release has got a bunch of good ingredients.

  • Improvement Our net code received an overhaul, making our interaction with our APIs that much smarter and more robust. It has a number of internal changes to pave the way for doing something pretty cool in the coming period. We're hard at work on that.
  • Fix Extraction of locations is now even more robust than it was, as is linking of contacts, call logs and texts.
  • Fix We handle corrupt PList files in a much smarter way now.
  • Fix We broke our lovely PList file viewer in a build late last year. We've fixed it. Sorry!
  • Fix Undeletion is even smarter. Happy days!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2つの新機能 2つの改善

After yesterday's excitement around the release we've only gone and released another build. This one includes a number of changes.

  • Feature Updated .NET boot strap from 4.0 to 4.6. This allows us to do some new things in the app.
  • Feature We've shipped a prototype component. Can you guess what it is? Watch this space.
  • Improvement You'll see the app now boasts of being made by Reincubate in its title. We're proud of that.
  • Improvement We log slightly more data when something goes wrong. All the better to help us improve!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つのバグ修正

We're releasing a small build which updates some of the security certificates we use.

  • Fix Nothing scary happened, we're just rotating certificates and keeping things fresh.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの新機能 2つの改善 3つのバグ修正

Today's 1905 release is a big one: we've added preview functionality for contacts and call history. Our pleasure. 💪

  • Feature New previewers for contacts and call history.
  • Improvement We no longer filter out lovely HEIC images: they'll be provided through the automated photo export. Happy days!
  • Improvement We no longer extract video thumbnails as photos. They are, but they're not what you want outside of expert mode, and that's still there for users who do.
  • Fix We patched a regression bug for iOS 10.0 encrypted backups. In English, that means we broke it and then we fixed it. Sorry. 🙅‍♀️
  • Fix Recovery of notes and note attachments is more robust than ever. Try and extract some weird stuff, we dare you!
  • Fix We made some minor improvements to how we handle iOS 1 and 2. Remember them? We still have devices that run 'em.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3つのバグ修正

Two releases in as many days? That's right, here's the latest release iPhone Backup Extractor. We're hard at work on the next already.

  • Fix Fixed irregular issues extracting photos from the AppView.
  • Fix Fixed a nasty voicemail extraction fix caused where some files are missing.
  • Fix Prevented default extraction of MetaData folder contents with photos. Of course, you can still extract it in expert mode.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善 2つのバグ修正

To celebrate it being Tuesday, we’ve just shipped a new build.

  • Improvement We've added support for extraction of locations where the SMS database is missing from the backup.
  • Fix iOS 11 backup modification is better than ever.
  • Fix Better translation of timezones for iCloud backups; you should see it in local time.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善 2つのバグ修正

Here's a build to round out November -- and to use less of your disk space!

  • Improvement Improvements to how the application stores temporary data whilst extracting. You'll see it's faster and uses less disk space now. Happy day!
  • Fix We've overhauled some internal components to provide greater support for reading curious data types.
  • Fix We've added a legacy fix for a newer type of iOS 10 backup corruption.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3つのバグ修正

Another day, another release. has a bunch of handy things:

  • Fix Modifying backups is now even more robust.
  • Fix PDF extraction of data is more robust than ever -- and faster, too!
  • Fix We'd accidentally broken support for macOS 10.10 in an earlier build. Sorry! We have fixed it.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つのバグ修正

Today's fix is a simple performance update. Enjoy!

  • Fix Further improved performance of overview.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善 2つのバグ修正

We've a spooky new update for you today, with a small handful of changes.

  • Improvement We capture more diagnostic information when something goes awry.
  • Fix Improved support for backup modification.
  • Fix We've sped up creation of PDFs, and reduced the amount of memory that the process takes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善 3つのバグ修正

Another day, another build! Today we've shipped a bunch of small tweaks to further enhance iPhone Backup Extractor. We've something exciting around the corner that we're paving the way for.

  • Improvement We now provide UID in exports of calendar data.
  • Fix We capture slightly more diagnostic data around corrupt backups.
  • Fix We've upgraded the .NET library bootstrap from 4.0 to 4.6.0. This probably won't mean much for you, unless you're one of our Windows Vista users.
  • Fix We've tidied up a few more areas of memory use.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善 2つのバグ修正

We’ve just released another lovely build. This has a handful of smaller updates.

  • Improvement We now use less memory than ever when exporting data to PDF
  • Fix Even more robust support for curiously formed notes
  • Fix The application is now more robust when something goes wrong on macOS

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善

Today's release is a macOS-only maintenance release, helping us to improve the robustness of the application.

  • Improvement We now gather crash reports for native crashes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3つの改善 2つのバグ修正

Another Tuesday, another release. Today’s release brings a number of neat enhancements and fixes.

  • Improvement We've shipped many enhancements to memory and disk use over the last month or so, and we've done yet more. Today's build should get your data even faster from encrypted backups.
  • Improvement Now we show InstallDomain in a neat way in expert mode.
  • Improvement We've added richer device names for the backup details section.
  • Fix In our eagerness to enhance notes in our release, we introduced a curious Unicode issue. Now it's fixed.
  • Fix We've fixed a handful of issues when working with unusual iOS 8 backups, and with a few flavours of iOS 4. Remember that? We do!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2つの改善 1つのバグ修正

This Tuesday brings our next release, which is all about improving user experiences. We’ve made improvements to iCloud interaction, to iPhone 8 and X support, and to memory handling. This afternoon the team are off to Mansion House to meet the Lord Mayor of London on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, as part of Reincubate winning a Queen’s Award for Enterprise.

  • Improvement Several important enhancements made for iCloud access to improve robustness of downloads.
  • Improvement We’ve reduced the amount of memory that iPhone Backup Extractor requires when exporting data to CSV format.
  • Fix We’ve added a small fix for some minor differences in data formats that we’ve observed from the iPhone 8. Dig that glass back!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3つの改善 2つのバグ修正

Today’s release brings a host of goodies and improvements to iPhone Backup Extractor on both Windows and macOS. What’s new?

  • Improvement Copy-to-clipboard support for a whole bunch of extra fields.
  • Improvement Timezones! We've made a number of enhancements to normalise times in data from apps which store it with or without daylight saving or timezone modifiers.
  • Improvement Did you ever wonder why the app didn't have a "Windows" menu on macOS? Wonder no more: accessibility improved.
  • Fix We resolved an issue triggered by some formats of visual voicemail.
  • Fix Our export PDFs had some issues with international characters, which we've now resolved. We've made the process faster, too.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの新機能 3つの改善 4つのバグ修正

We’re back to our usual combined Windows and macOS updates, and today’s is a good ‘un. Sometimes we need to say goodbye to the past, and this release officially drops support for macOS 10.7. It’s to old for us to readily support with our pace of changes. 1771 — as we like to call this new release — includes the following:

  • Feature You can now right-click backups shown in the left-hand menu to easily reveal their folder in Windows Explorer or macOS Finder. Neat!
  • Improvement The macOS overview pane uses our newer look, making the overview of available data easier to digest.
  • Improvement Scrolling through photo previews is much faster on macOS, and resizing the application’s window doesn’t interfere with them.
  • Improvement Support for Viber 7.5’s new message format.
  • Fix If you’re a fan of the alphabet you’ll love the more rigorous alphabetical sorting of content in expert mode.
  • Fix Non-Latin characters were sometimes coming out garbled in extracted notes. This is now fixed.
  • Fix Backup editing was breaking in a number of situations. Now it isn’t. Hurrah!
  • Fix No long shall extracting calendar entries from encrypted backups take up so much disk space.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1つの改善

This afternoon brings a minor update. Usually we ship updates for Windows and macOS together, but today's build is just for Windows.

  • Improvement Better detection of problems on Windows.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3つの改善 3つのバグ修正

Nary a week’s passed and we have another update for Windows and macOS. This release smooths some things out behind the scenes and tidies up a number of interface and experience elements.

  • Improvement iCloud ribbon looks a lot better on Windows.
  • Improvement "Preferences" and "About" dialog on macOS look a little smarter
  • Improvement Extraneous terms and copyright removed from the main window.
  • Fix Curious artefacts removed from expert mode whilst loading.
  • Fix Ever found resizing the app a little fiddly on Windows? Now it isn’t. Resize away!
  • Fix We reworked a fundamental part of the app that makes things much more robust when adding and removing accounts, activation and backup locations.

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