iPhone Backup Extractor
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iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция 1 улучшение 3 исправления

Today's update to iPhone Backup Extractor brings support for iOS 17's message transcriptions feature along with a number of other improvements and fixes. If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at support@reincubate.com. We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Feature We've added support for iOS 17's audio message transcription feature.
  • Improvement iPhone Backup Extractor's icon now has a bit more character on Windows and macOS to better match the look and feel of each platform.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue which led to some data-type names being slightly cut off in the previewer on recent versions of macOS.
  • Fix We've fixed a rare issue which some users were experiencing when opening iPhone Backup Extractor on macOS.
  • Fix Lots of tweaks and updates to our data extractors and previewers.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 улучшения 3 исправления

Just in time for the holiday season, we've got a fresh release of iPhone Backup Extractor with some significant improvements to the performance of the calendar extractor and a brand new icon. If you run into any problems, please reach out to us at support@reincubate.com. We'd love to help and hear from you.

  • Improvement Optimised the calendar extractor, large calendar backups should now be extracted significantly faster, over a hundred times faster in some cases!
  • Improvement iPhone Backup Extractor now has a brand new icon, we hope you love it as much as we do!
  • Fix We've fixed a bug which prevented iPhone Backup Extractor from getting the right name for people in certain WhatsApp group chats.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue which led to errors when downloading iCloud Photo Libraries for some accounts.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue when extracting messages to PDF for users in certain time zones.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

Today's update to iPhone Backup Extractor brings a small fix to message extraction from iOS 16 backups and devices.

  • Fix Fixed an issue that caused edited messages and messages sent using “Deliver Quietly” to not be extracted properly.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

Today's update to iPhone Backup Extractor brings a small fix to message extraction from iOS 16 backups and devices.

  • Fix Fixed an issue which meant no messages were being detected in data from iOS 16 backups and devices.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция 1 исправление

The first beta of iOS 16 is here! To celebrate here's a new version of iPhone Backup Extractor which brings full support for iOS 16, along with a bonus bug fix.

  • Feature Support for iOS 16 beta 1, this update fixes message extraction and will also make our messages extraction more reliable for future iOS versions and betas.
  • Fix Fixed a rare bug that was causing issues for some users when previewing messages.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

Today's update to iPhone Backup Extractor fixes a rare issue where some users would not see any messages.

  • Fix We've resolved a problem some trying to extract messages.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

Today's update to iPhone Backup Extractor contains a fix for some issues with PDFs that we were seeing.

  • Fix We've resolved a problem some users had with extracted PDFs.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 исправления

Today's update is a minor update, focused on the security and stability of iPhone Backup Extractor.

  • Fix Updated how we generate PDFs when extracting messages.
  • Fix Updated some security settings.
  • Fix Updated the tools used to build iPhone Backup Extractor on macOS.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция 1 исправление

It's that time of year again, and to prepare for the forthcoming release of iOS 15 here's iPhone Backup Extractor with full support for the very latest iOS 15 beta, along with some fixes for iOS 14.6.

  • Fix We've fixed an issue with extracting notes on iOS 14.6.

  • Feature Support for iOS 15 beta 2. This update fixes some issues with notes, voice memos, calendar, and messages extraction on iOS 15.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 исправления

Here at Reincubate HQ it's important to us that no matter how old or damaged your backup is, iPhone Backup Extractor will always be able to get your data out of it. Today's update fixes a bug which could prevent that when some files were missing.

  • Fix We've fixed a bug which meant that if a file was missing from your backup, iPhone Backup Extractor might have trouble extracting your other files.
  • Fix Updated some security settings.
  • Fix Fixed a rare crash which some Windows users were seeing when extracting photos.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 исправления

Today's update to iPhone Backup Extractor includes a number of fixes. Just in time for the new Apple announcement, too! 🙂

  • Fix We've added an experimental update to our ECG enabler for iOS 14 devices. The more feedback we get, the better. Let us know how you get on.
  • Fix We've resolved a problem that was affecting a small number of Windows users creating backups on iOS 14.
  • Fix We've resolved an unusual crash that was caused by untrusted devices connecting to Windows machines.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 улучшения

We're excited to be releasing iPhone Backup Extractor 7.7.30, with a number of improvements for message display from iOS 14 devices. We hope you enjoy it!

  • Improvement We've added support for iOS 14-style threaded SMS messages. This is the default, and can be turned off by enabling "Forensics Mode" in Preferences.
  • Improvement We've made a number of improvements to how all sorts of messages are previewed in iPhone Backup Extractor. We show the date and sender of a message in a form much closer to that of the phone, and we've made message bubbles fit messages more neatly. We've also adjusted message spacing to look a lot better.
  • Improvement We've restored support for Viber on iOS 14.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

We've been particularly busy at Reincubate HQ working on new things these last couple of months. Today's iPhone Backup Extractor update ensures new backups work nicely on iOS 14 devices. We can't wait for the launch!

  • Fix iPhone Backup Extractor can now create backups from iOS 14 devices when needed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

We're releasing iPhone Backup Extractor to resolve an issue users have found in connecting to our API for iCloud access.

  • Fix Users connecting to iCloud could see a "WebException". This update resolves that.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

Today's iPhone Backup Extractor update is a minor macOS only fix to resolve an issue connecting to iCloud.

  • Fix Fixed an issue for macOS users when completing 2FA/MFA.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция 1 улучшение 1 исправление

We're starting July with an update for iPhone Backup Extractor.

After three and a half years of version 7, we're hard at work on iPhone Backup Extractor 8, due later this summer. Once we release that, we're going to be taking a more structured approach in tying new features to major version updates (8.0, 8.1, 8.2) and so on, and fixes in the release in between those.

In the meantime, what's new today? Let's take a look.

  • Feature iOS 14 beta support. Hurrah! We showing all messages in chronological order rather than using the new threaded format, but that'll be coming soon.
  • Improvement We've improved the user flow when a 2FA prompt is entered incorrectly whilst accessing iCloud.
  • Fix Extraction of content over 2.1 GB from USB-connected devices wasn't working. Now it is.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 исправление

Today's release contains a single fix for some users who have experienced problems when connecting their devices over USB.

  • Fix Resolved issue for some users when connecting over USB.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 6 fixes

That's right, it's time for an iPhone Backup Extractor update. What's new today? Quite a bit. Today's build is ostensibly a fix build but it contains much of the work necessary for us to ship a new feature. Which we'll probably be doing in the next release.

  • Fix We've hidden the overview and app view for Watch data; only "Expert mode" is now available for watches. We've also fixed expert mode — in some cases, it was showing all files from the parent device. We've made these changes to make analysis of watch data more intuitive.
  • Fix Some users received a TaskCancelledException when downloading large files from iCloud Photo Library.
  • Fix Recovery of Screen Time passcodes wasn't working for some users on iOS 12. Now it is. Sorry for any inconvenience. iOS 13 unaffected.
  • Fix We've resolved the error some users might see on "Expert mode", where "Generated hash didn't match source" would appear.
  • Fix We've resolved a crash that could occur when extracting notes with strange characters in their folder names.
  • Fix Extraction of WhatsApp messages from iOS 5 or below could lead to problems. We've resolved that now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 улучшение 5 fixes

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor is almost all about tidying up a handful of small issues. We're already looking forward to sharing the next release with you!

  • Improvement As we mentioned after the last release, we're including a handful of additional iCloud enhancements, including restoring the ability to remember a password, restoring support for iOS 12 Screen Time recovery over iCloud, selection of the iCloud account after login, and better handling of expired sessions.
  • Fix We've resolved a problem whereby cancelling extraction of data wasn't always possible. Now it is.
  • Fix Extracting a lot of messages with Digital Touch drawings on Mac was sometimes failing. Now it works!
  • Fix Sometimes connecting a USB device was throwing up an error. Now it won't.
  • Fix Our sample backup data was sometimes showing the wrong device image when selected. All good now.
  • Fix We've changed a few things behind the scenes to make other parts of iPhone Backup Extractor more robust.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 4 улучшения 3 исправления

Building on last week's iCloud release, we're releasing a few more tweaks today. More coming soon!

  • Improvement We display company name first for contacts with no forename or surname, and we've updated the contacts icon.
  • Improvement We've simplified the sample backup's intro screen.
  • Improvement We've updated the sample backup to iOS 13.4.1.
  • Improvement We've made a number of behind-the-scenes changes to make our iCloud support more robust.
  • Fix Restored support for locked notes on iOS 9.3.
  • Fix Resolved an issue whereby larger calendars might cause a hang whilst being exported.
  • Fix Improved how the iPhone SE 2 is displayed.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция 2 улучшения

Hot on the heels of Monday's update, here's a neat new feature for iPhone Backup Extractor: access to photos, videos and voice memos directly from your iPhone or iPad. We hope you enjoy this — please let us know! More soon! 🎉

  • Feature Extract photos, videos and voice memos directly from your connected iOS device.
  • Improvement We've renamed "Recordings" to "Voice Memos" across the app to reflect more accurately what Apple call them.
  • Improvement We've enhanced the instructional dialog we show for untrusted devices.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция

Apple made a number of changes to iCloud at the start of April, and we've been busy updating iPhone Backup Extractor to support those changes. Today's release has restored full support for iCloud Photo Library and contacts. We've got more work to do for other iCloud data types, and we're balancing those changes alongside deepening this functionality and addressing user requests for other new features.

  • Feature Support for iCloud Photo Library and contacts — again! — following Apple's recent changes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 функция 3 улучшения 3 исправления

Well, hello. We're back with another update to iPhone Backup Extractor. We've been juggling a few fairly big updates here. This is the first of them, with a user-interface change we've been keen to make for a little while. We hope you like it. Let us know!

  • Feature Rather than showing information on a selected backup or device at the top of the app's window, we now show it in a new vertical column. We've made this change because we think it makes the app more intuitive, flowing from one side of the screen to the other, and because it frees up screen space for us to ship some of the features in our plan for the year. It harks back a little to an earlier incarnation of the app's design.
  • Improvement We've taken the time to pretty-up our "Expert mode" and "Information" panes, and we've renamed "App view" to "Other data". We've got a further follow-up planned for the interface in the near future, and this has set us up well for it.
  • Improvement We've disabled two instructional message overlays about iCloud and extraction time that we thought weren't helpful on balance.
  • Improvement We've removed the Hike Post previewer, but kept support for Hike Messages. If you find yourself still needing to export Hike Posts, please reach out to us.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue on Windows whereby rictl wouldn't show battery percentages for connected devices.
  • Fix Sometimes device images wouldn't show properly on Windows. They do now.
  • Fix We've resolved an issue whereby scrolling the Information view on macOS someones wouldn't work. Now it does.

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