iPhone Backup Extractor
note di rilascio

Note di rilascio e changelogs per iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 miglioramento 1 correzione

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor includes improvements to iCloud functionality and SMS undeletion.

  • Improvement Recovery of deleted SMS messages now separates recovered attachments as files rather than data URIs. Makes more sense to you? Makes more sense to us.
  • Fix We've squashed an issue with filesize mismatch on iCloud downloads and dealt with a few more complex niceties.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 miglioramenti

We're continuing to build on our iCloud functionality. There's been a painstaking amount of R&D involved in this, and we won't write about all of the updates we make behind the scenes. However, we can talk about the following:

  • Improvement We've replaced our iCloud download ETA with a percentage complete, with the intention being that it's clearer for users.
  • Improvement Magical mystery iCloud robustness improvements.
  • Improvement Users used to have to deactivate and reactivate for a new license or upgrade to take effect. No longer!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 correzione

As promised, a day after of our final iPhone Backup Extractor 4 release, here's our first release of iPhone Backup Extractor 5. 🎉 This build includes a number of behind-the-scenes changes as we improve the new iCloud service for users, and improve our ability to diagnose issues that arise.

  • Fix Changed "Starting Download" to "Contacting Servers" on the iCloud download pane, as it makes more sense to users.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità 1 miglioramento

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor is a huge one. We're thrilled to be launching support for iCloud access. We'd love to read your feedback and hear about how you get on with this. This release will be our last of 4.x, and we'll be moving to version 5 as we build on this technology.

  • Feature Integrated, easy to use support for downloading iCloud backups. And you wondered why we made all of those interface changes and introduced tabs in Now you know! 😀
  • Improvement We've introduced some internal queuing systems to improve loading of multiple backups in simultaneously.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 correzioni

We're preparing for something really big here at Reincubate HQ, but it's not being released today. Instead, we're shipping a few minor tweaks, and keeping ourselves focused on the Next Big Thing. What'll it be? Watch this space.

  • Fix Fixed a regression bug with iCal and vCard encoding. This shouldn't have got through.
  • Fix We've tidied up a handful of issues we'd introduced in our interface change, addressing issues with analytics, image analysis, and the feedback system.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità 2 miglioramenti 1 correzione

We're thrilled to be releasing a major new feature today: the app view. This provides an intuitive way to examine data from any of the apps that have data present in the backup.

  • Feature App view has gone live. We've love to read your feedback on it!
  • Improvement We're reorganised the main window to use tabs, rather than showing everything in one big information pane.
  • Improvement We now include additional metadata in CSV exports of voicemail data.
  • Fix We've improved our SMS extraction code, and changed quite a lot behind the scenes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 correzione

  • Fix This release fixes a crash some users ran into when extracting encrypted data with the Home edition whilst offline. Sorry for any inconvenience.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 miglioramenti 1 correzione

Greetings! We've got a lovely new release for you today with a range of changes and improvements.

  • Improvement You'll see we've overhauled the services, help, support and about screens. We've also polished the screens which show when a licensing restriction is encountered.
  • Improvement We've made a series of tweaks to buttons, text and menus throughout the app. Buttons that are disabled look more obviously disabled.
  • Fix Fixed a recently introduced licensing bug where the license isn't always shown. Oh dear!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 miglioramento 1 correzione

This is a minor macOS-only update fixing a few issues in our earlier release.

  • Improvement Cosmetic improvements to the support, services and upgrade screens.
  • Fix The click-to-email support link wasn't working for Mac users. It's fixed now.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità 1 miglioramento

We're building on the undeletion functionality we shipped in our last release with a number of enhancements.

  • Improvement Undeletion is even more effective: better with notes and indication of SMS messages and non-media attachments.
  • Feature We've added a mechanism for users to create accounts for sign-in within the app.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 3 nuove funzionalità 1 correzione

The latest version of iPhone Backup Extractor has shipped with improvements, new features and bug fixes. What's new?

Whether you have deleted texts messages you haven't backed up yet, or you want to recover SMS from a backup you previously created? Check out our guide on how to use iPhone Backup Extractor to get your deleted SMS back.

iPhone Backup Extractor now recovers and reassembles fragments of deleted messages and can merge them with existing data from your backup. You can read more about the techniques involved in our deep-dive on the subject.

  • Feature Holy cow! Support for recovery of deleted SMS and iMessage.
  • Feature Users can now archive, view, access, copy or export all deleted Notes and SMS messages, in gorgeous HTML or CSV reports.
  • Feature Beautiful view of SMS attachments together with the SMS in an HTML format.
  • Fix Speed improvements for extracting large iTunes backup files.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità

Today's release includes a change to how we indicate to users that they've run into a licensing limitation.

  • Feature We now prompt in a more helpful way when we explain to a user that a different addition is required, and we show what is available more clearly.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 miglioramento 1 correzione

  • Improvement We've added a new analytics system to better help us understand how users interact with iPhone Backup Extractor, and to help us improve it. We don't collect any sensitive data, or tie it to individual users.
  • Fix We've fixed an issue whereby vCards with URL fields were encoded with semicolons (;), rather than colons (:) as they should be. According to RFC, at least. This fixes an issue some users ran into when importing their contacts back to another iPhone or iPad.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 miglioramento

  • Improvement We've slightly changed how we build and prepare iPhone Backup Extractor for release. This release was generated using the new process, but there are no other changes.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 correzione

In case you're wondering, yes, iPhone Backup Extractor supports iOS 7.1 beta. That's not new in this release: it has done since the beta first shipped.

  • Fix We've made some more improvements on the last release's work to make Plist editing as robust as possible.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità 4 miglioramenti 3 correzioni

  • Feature It's now possible to browse for backups in alternate iTunes backup locations. Hurrah!
  • Improvement We know don't show woefully incomplete backups in the iPhone backup browser
  • Improvement Serial number and IMEI can now be copy-and-pasted out of the app.
  • Improvement We use a better image of the iPhone 5S when examining their backups.
  • Improvement The iPad Air worked before, but was misidentified. Now we name it correctly.
  • Fix Enabled "reset restrictions passcode" whenever possible. (As before we didn't always enable the reset functionality if the recover functionality was available.)
  • Fix Resolved a nasty crash affecting some Plists when viewing them.
  • Fix We've improved our validation of iCal files, and fixed a timezone issue affecting them.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità 1 correzione

Today's release of iPhone Backup Extractor is a big one: here's support for recovering lost restrictions PINs. You'll see we've published a detailed guide and video on how to make the most of this feature.

  • Feature Recovery of lost Restrictions passcodes. See the Utilities menu.
  • Fix Fixed two bugs affecting the Plist viewer. Sorry!

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 correzione

  • Fix We've made a minor update to how to use local storage for registration details on macOS.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 1 nuova funzionalità

This release sees us rolling out our new activation systems for Windows users.

  • Feature You can now activate iPhone Backup Extractor on Windows by logging in to your Reincubate account.

iPhone Backup Extractor released

Windows macOS · 2 nuove funzionalità 1 correzione

This release sees us rolling out our new activation systems for Mac users, giving them parity with the earlier release for Windows users.

  • Feature You can now activate iPhone Backup Extractor on macOS by logging in to your Reincubate account.
  • Feature We've released auto-update functionality for Mac users, and we store registration details in a more sensible place (~/Documents/.reincubate/).
  • Fix This build isn't all about Mac users, though: we've fixed a delay when extracting photos or videos. 'Tis faster now!

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